Chapter twenty four

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"Finally we're done with our errands!" I say dramatically as my stomach growls embarrassingly loud, I swear its like I have a always hungry monster in there!

"Actually we have one more, then we can get to the bbq," Darius winks at me as I groan.

"Ok what are we doing?" I ask and he smiles.

"Getting dessert," he says and I have the urge to say something like "I'm not having sex till I'm fed and not infront of them!" But settle for bitting my tongue.

I swear it's like Darius can read my mind as he says, "don't worry we can do that later when I can make you moan as loud as you want." He gives me a wink as my jaw drops, he laughs as he heads into the bakery and I blush.

The box he places between us when he come back in smells so good I think I drool a bit. "Oh God what is in here?" I try to open it but there's tape keeping it closed.

"What does it smell like?" He smirks.

Sniffing I let out a moan, "fresh baked pie!"

"Yep, I got one that has apple, blackberry, and cherry." He says and I swear I just drooled.

To distract myself I look out the window as we drive out of town. Past our land to the opposite side of the interstate about fifteen miles up the road from our place. We turn down the drive that leads to Henry and Rachel's house.

We reach a brake in the trees and there is their home, with the grill out front with food cooking. Henry is cooking while talking to three other men. I see Rachel placing food down on the table while talking to her sister. There's kids running around playing tag as well, it feels so homey.

My eyes feel prickly like I want to cry so I blink really quickly to clear up the feeling.

"Hey what's wrong?" Darius says softly taking my hand.

"It's just I always dreamed of having this for myself, you know?" I say feeling my voice shake. Taking a breath I calm myself, "ok let's go eat!"

Darius leans over kissing my head, "I felt that way too when they first took me in it's ok babe."

Shaking off my overwhelming desire to cry like a baby I smile and get out of the truck. Darius takes my lead grabbing the pie. Walking hand in hand we are greeted by a pack of kids.


"Hold the pie!" He passes it to me and takes off running with the kids chasing behind him.

Giggling I walk over to Rachel and hand her the pie.

"Hey sweetie now you can dish on your story!" Rachel says bouncing in place.

"Oh I was there when they came to the hospital, " Rach's sister says excitedly.

"What and you didn't think to say anything?" Rachel says miffed.

"Sorry I got busy and it slipped my mind, I didn't mean to forget," she says with a shrug.

"Lins," Rach whines.

"We met at my favorite coffee shop, I literally bumped into him." I smile and Rach awes and Lins oohs.

Then we hear the kids cheer, "we got him!!"

I look over and the children have dog piled Darius. We all laugh as he calls out, "what have you been feeding these guys they are way bigger than last time!"

"Why were you at the hospital though?" Rach asks.

"Oh we had been out to dinner with my family when some drunk dude came and started hitting on me. He had yanked me from my chair. Omg and if my cousin and my old roommate Maggie hadn't had made such a fuss, who knows what would have happened to him," I say shaking my head.

"Oh I can tell you, he would have died Darius would have killed him," Rachel says and I believe it.

"Here Babe, those pickled pigs feet you wanted," Henry says bringing a plate of them setting them in front of us.

I don't know what comes over me but my stomach rolls and I feel vomit rising up my throat. Running to some bushes I puke every thing I've eaten today.

My hair gets pulled back and Darius starts rubbing my back, "I got you baby, do you want to go home?"

I finish puking and Lins hands me a napkin, "here sweetie, come with me and let's get you cleaned up."

She leads me inside to a bathroom and Rachel brings me a spare toothbrush.

"I'm so sorry thanks guys, I dont know where that came from," I say splashing water on my face.

"Do you think you could be pregnant?" They say together.

I'm in the process of dying my face when I stop. I look over at them and Rachel goes to her room and comes back with a test.

I take it from her and they step out so that I can use it. When they hear me washing my hands they open the door.

"Ok now we wait," Rachel says and we each sit on the side of the tub waiting.

"Are you nervous?" Lins asks me as my foot begins to bounce.

"A little, yes. Do you think Darius will be happy?" I ask already knowing the answer but needing reassurance.

"Are you kidding? He's going to be so happy he's going to be over the moons on Saturn," Rach says and I laugh.

"Are you happy with the idea though?" Lins asks and my eyes fill with tears.

"Yes I know I'm jumping the gun but I want this very much," I say giving her a watery smile.

"Ok it's time to check," Lins says looking at her watch and I stand.

Here we go it's the moment of truth, I shake out my hand and approach the counter. Sending up a prayer I pick up the test stick and look at the little screen.

"Well?" The girls ask and I turn around.

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