Chapter eighteen

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"What do we do now?" I ask looking at Darius and he comes over to me and hugs me.

"We becareful keep an eye out just incase... also I'll have Henry update the cameras around the perimeter. Just don't go hiking without me.... just incase till we know for sure we're not being targeted," he says softly.

I nod hugging him back resting my head against his chest. "Do you really think that someone would come for us though?" I ask trying not to imagine worse case scenarios.

"If they do then they have a death wish, or are incredibly stupid. You never threaten a dragon, especially one with a mate." He holds me close rubbing my back soothing my nerves.

The rest of the afternoon I spent going around with Darius doing whatever chores remained. He said it was so I can see where everything was, but I knew it was really so he could have me close.

After Henry had left Darius was on edge, even more so than me but he hid it well. I only knew because occasionally he would stop and scan the area or have to check where I was. So I tried to stay in his line of sight.

When it was time for dinner we decided on comfort food so I made mashed potatoes with gravy and meatloaf. Darius made salad and dessert. He made apple pie from scratch, it was the best apple pie I've ever eaten.

Going to bed with a full happy tummy and exhausted from the day and worry we felt. I curled into Darius' side enjoying his warmth.

Darius lightly ran his fingers up and down my back further lulling me into sleep, "Goodnight Via, sweet dreams my love," Darius whispers before kissing my head.

"Goodnight D... I love you," I humm back before falling into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning I woke up and again Darius had left already to tend to the gardens and various other chores. Again he left a note.

Goodmorning my beautiful mate,

I have gone to work outside, will be back at noon for lunch. Please don't wander off till I get Henry to update the security system. I'll see you soon

Love, D.

So this is our new routine, I smile ridiculous big at my note. I've decided to keep them in a box by my bed under my nightstand. The box is an old wooden one with a clasp, I had gotten it from Levia before leaving the Orphanage.

"Here Via, to keep your treasured memories you make in," she had said before hugging me one last time before I had left. It had been empty till now, now it will be filled with notes from my mate. Little reminders I get each day reminding me that he loves me.

After putting my note into the box with the other one I get ready for the day. I put on some tan capris and a green blouse to go with my white tennis shoes and white socks. Pulling my hair up into a messy bun I grab my phone and laptop and head down stairs.

I decide to give Maggie a call to see how she and Janice are doing.

"Hello?" Janice answers Maggie's cell.

"Hi Janice it's Via, how are you guys doing?" I ask with an upbeat voice.

"Oh hi Via, we're doing alright Mom just got out of the bathroom do you want to talk to her?" She asks still seeming a bit timid.

"Sure, it was great hearing from you!" I say hopefully brightening her day a bit.

"So do I have some little dragonlets flying around in my future yet? Or should I go buy you some lingerie or maybe edible panties?" Maggie asks and I can hear Janice in the background "MOM!"

I just crack up laughing, "not that I'm aware of," I say with laughter still in my voice.

"I know you have to have jumped your man already, maybe you should ride his dragon harder," Maggie says trying to embarrass Janice and succeed if the "OMG.. MOM!" Is any indication.

Laughing I say, "don't worry about it Janice I'm used to it."

"She's shaking her head at me and is as red as a tomato, I have a feeling she's going to be that way a lot," Maggie says with a smile in her voice.

"Take it easy on her she's not used to it yet," I say trying to imagine how things will be for them.

"The more I do it now the easier it will be for her in the long run, gotta get her out of that shell she's in," Maggie says and I know she's probably right about that.

We talk for another fifteen minutes before she has to go, they are going shopping for new clothes for Janice. That's going to be interesting, I think as I boot up my laptop.

Once it's ready I go ahead and check my email and see some from my cousins. Excited to see what they say I open them up.

Hey sweetie it's Michelle,

Just wanted to see how you're doing and let you know we will be heading up your way in about a week. My mate has some work out that way and would love to meet you guys. Let me know what works for you so we can hangout!

Love ya see you soon,

Smiling I go to send her a reply but realized that I have to talk to Darius first. So I look at my other emails instead, most is just junk mail so I put it in the trash. I have some job offers from a company that operates up where Canada used to be, so that's a no.

Sighing I keep scrolling through when I see something weird, it's a email from an old classmate named Keith Aaron. If memory serves me correctly he got arrested for sexual assault a year and a half ago. How in the hell did he get my email address? I block him from sending me any more emails and trash this one not bothering to read it.

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