Chapter seventeen

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Even with our short walk to the house Darius was still grumbling about how close Henry got to being extra crispy.

"Don't ever do that again," he grumbles at Henry whose giving him a "will you let it go already!" Look.

Placing my hand on his arm relaxes him enough to stop his grumbles. Giggling I turn to Henry, "sorry he's grumpy I should have made him more food," I smile but that just makes Darius grumble some more.

"No he's right I would have acted the same way or worse... if the roles were reversed. Especially if my mate was with me with our pups, I wouldn't have let it go so easily. I'm lucky he didn't burn my ass, with my scent masked and you there he showed amazing restraint," Henry says with a thoughtful look.

When we get to the house I went to the kitchen to get us some ice tea.

"Sorry to impose but can I have something to eat?" Henry asks and his stomach growls.

Rolling his eyes Darius sits with Henry at the kitchen table and I start putting together more cutlet sandwiches for all of us. Thankfully we still have more to go around. Not to mention the pretzel chips that I didn't pack for us earlier.

"Here you go," I say as I give the guys their plates and cups then sit down with mine.

"See I told you, you were still hungry," Darius says confirming that he was infact right earlier.

Rolling my eyes I tell him to eat his food. Munching on my sandwich I study the two of them. If I never knew other species existed I would just see them as devastatingly handsome men.

"Ok spill it what's going on?" Darius says as he finishes his food.

"You know how I work as a warrior for the pack but at the flower shop with my mate in town as a day job?" He says wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"Yeah so is this pack business or shop?" Darius asks leaning his arm on the table turning his body to face Henry.

"Its a bit of both, there is a new kind of plant that if ground up and added to oil can mask scents. One of our distributors came across some people selling them on the sly. You know what that means right?" Henry says looking at Darius and they both are giving off a tense aura.

"It can mean one of two things, first either hunters are going to start coming for the other species again. Or two rivals are going to use it to sneek attack us. I'm not sure what others would want with me though," Darius says rubbing the back of his head.

"Your land for starters, also killing you could bring them status, or they could try to take Via..." he says causing Darius to roar.

He jumped up so fast his chair flew backwards toppling over and smoke was coming out of his nose. I got up slowly so I didn't startle him, "babe calm down please?" I say as soothing as I can while reaching for him.

He grabs me and pulls me into his embrace. He wasn't very gentle but he didn't hurt me either. Just having me in his arms quieted him and his heart rate went back to normal.

"I wont let anyone hurt you, I would rather die than let you get hurt,"he says into my hair.

"Your dieing would destroy me, never treat your life like it's nothing!" I say in his ear leaning back I give a fierce look of my own, "not ever do you understand?" I say in a no-nonsense tone.

"She's right dont make me call mom down here I'll do it!" Henry threatens.

"I will take care of myself, I'm just saying..." Darius says to Henry. Looking back at me he takes on a more serious look, "yes baby I understand, I would never willingly leave you alone in that way. I love you." He kisses my forehead and hugs me close to him again.

"Next time dont freak out like that you asked for scenarios, and I provided them. You dont have to lose your shit on just the mention of a possibility," Henry scolds Darius.

"Tell me you wouldn't feel the same if Rachel and the kids were put in a situation like that!" Darius fires back and Henry's eyes changed color.

His voice comes out as a deep growl "No one is taking my mate and pups from me! I would RIP then apart if they tried!"

"See so dont tell me not to react when you did the same thing!" Darius says pointing at him.

Taking a few deep breaths Henry calms himself, his phone rings and he answers.

"Hey Ray"......"no I'm ok just talking with Darius"........."no just listing hypotheticals that got us worked up"........... "no we're fine"........ "are you and the kiddos ok?" ............"good"..... "ok"....... "alright I'll be back in about thirty minutes or so"........."I love you too baby, bye."

Hanging up his phone he turns back to us, "Rachel says hi."

"Tell her hi for us, actually Via knows her from school, so maybe she will remember her." Darius says and I nod.

"Oh wow small world, I'll let her know. Sorry but I got to get back shes not feeling great and she thinks she might be pregnant again," he says with a huge smile on his face.

"Will you ever let her not be pregnant?" Darius says smirking.

"What can I say? I love my mate and I love seeing her round with my pups," Henry shrugs with a smile.

Rolling his eyes Darius walks Henry to the door, "thanks for the warning, keep me posted on any new developments." Darius says and they give each other the bro hug.

"Will do... just remember to keep a look out if something feels wrong. Don't forget you're not alone, we got your back if you need us. Take care man..." he says to Darius then turning to me he says, "it was great to meet you Via, thanks for the food and keep an eye on my brother for me!" With a smile and a wave he leaves the way he came.

Leaving us with the question, "who is creating this special oil and what do they plan to do? But more importantly are they coming to hurt us and if so, why?"

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