Chapter two

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"What's your name beautiful?" He asks me again.
"Via, I'm Via Bluerose, sorry I ran into you like that," I say finding my voice.
"Its great to meet you and I'm glad you did, I've always wanted a mate and now here you are," he says smiling at me.
My eyes widen ever so slightly, he smiles and leads us back to my table. He's the most handsome guy I've ever seen and he just said I'm his mate.
"Are you sure? I'm nothing special just a regular human," I say (though I should just shut up).
"You're more than ordinary sweetheart, and I'm positive, you're mine now you're going to have to get used to it," he says looking into my eyes intently.
"Umm," I say my words abandoned me again.
He chuckles, "dont worry you can get to know me first before you move in with me."
Woah ok that is presumptuous of him and I have half a mind to say so. Before I get the chance a lady comes up to us completely ignoring me and starts talking to Darius.
"Hey handsome want to come sit with me? I'm sure your sister wont mind." She says smirking at me and I'm sure I'm giving her my are you fucking kidding me face. I look to see what he thinks and it's clear she hasn't yet or she would be gone. Seeing my flinch she looks at him and backs a step away, his whiskey eyes look like flames are burning behind them and his delectably kissable lips are set in a hard line. He's pissed, "leave" he tells her in a low growl.
She turns and walks away quickly not even bothering to order a coffee before she leaves.
"I'm sorry if I scared you, I don't like the way she was treating you," he says reaching for my hand.
I let him take my hand in his, its warm and envelopes mine. I can feel the strength he has but his touch is gentle. Looking at him I can see hes worried that I wont want him. How can this gorgeous man who can have who ever he wants be afraid of rejection?
"You startled me, but thankyou for sticking up for me, no ones ever done that before." I say while looking at our hands.
He let's one hand go to raise my chin so that I will look at him.
"I will never let anyone hurt you, I've spent my life waiting for you. Now that I've found you I will protect you with all that I am. So you needn't fear me." His deep voice is calming, rich with a silky texture (you know if it had one).
"This is just a lot to process for me, I've never been with anyone and to go from that to someone (a drop dead sexy someone) professing their undivided devotion for me is a little much. I'm just a nobody who lives with her elderly friend who was nice enough to take her in. I have no family, I was raised in an orphanage. Are you sure that you want..." I don't even get to finish.
"I dont care if you don't have a family, we will make our own. I'm glad you have a wonderful friend who treats you well, I would love to meet this person. As for you not being with another, I can only tell you how happy that makes me." His amazing smile returns.
I cant help the blush that graces my face, and he seems to like it.
His hand leaves my chin and cups my cheek. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and it pains me to say this, but if you want some time to get to know me first then I will wait till you are more comfortable with me first." He says softly looking sad.
"Do you really mean that?" I ask.
"Yes, I want you to be at ease. I dont want you to feel like you can't trust me. So will you do me the honor of having dinner with me tonight?" He asks me with his charming smile on his face again.
"Ok.. here's my number then," I say writing it down. "I have to get going," I say rising from my seat.
He rises also with a sad look like my leaving is painful to him, "so I'll hear from you later?" I ask him hoping his sad look will fade and it does his whole face lights up with happiness.
"Yes, I promise," he says pulling me towards him. "Can I kiss your cheek before you go?" Darius asks leaning down to do so and I whisper, "yes."
His lips are warm against my cheek, and hes scent is intoxicating. I suddenly wish he was kissing my lips instead of my cheek but I need to keep my libido in check (not that I ever had to before).
"I'll see you later then," he whispers to me, and I somehow make it out of there without making a fool of myself.
Holy shit that was.. wow I feel like I am floating around here, ok Via get a grip I need to talk to Maggie.
Hurting back to the house I go in and plop on the couch next to her.
"You ok Via you're a bit flushed, are you coming down with something? If so I love you but go sit on the recliner," she says with a laugh.
Rolling my eyes I turn to her, "you will not believe what just happened!" I say.
"Well dont leave me in suspense! What happened?" She says bouncing on her butt making me laugh.
"Ok after I texted you, I was at Liquid Gold getting my usual and this OMG I cant even described how hott he is, anyway his name is Darius Hellflame and he came up to me and said I'm his mate! And he asked to take me out to dinner tonight! I said I would go, holy shit what should I wear?" I start bouncing around starting to freakout.
"Ok relax and I'm so happy for you everyone knows shifters take great care of their mates, in fact I'm surprised that he's not attached at your hip," she laughs.
"He said that he wants to let me get to know him so I'm comfortable around him and trust him. I think hes afraid he scared me away after this chick came up flirting with him, she was dissing me and he didn't like it. Holy moly if looks could kill... I mean yeah it was scary, but at the same time his eyes were beautiful, terrifyingly beautiful is that a thing?" I ask while half daydreaming.
Maggie laughs at the look on my face and says, "that is a thing."
I sigh, "ok umm.. can you help me pick something to wear for tonight?"
"Come on let's go see what we can find for you," she says smiling pulling me after her down the hall. Is it stupid to get so excited? I mean I just met Darius, but just thinking of him I get butterflies in my stomach and I feel so giddy. I've never been like this, and it is kinda exciting, I'm excited to see him again, I just hope it goes well.

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