Chapter thirty eight

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The party was hopping and the food was amazing! I'm not just saying that because I'm pregnant either, ok I might be just a little but it was hella good.

Darius and I danced to some slow dances together it was so nice. Then when he was distracted I danced to some faster ones with the girls. That is till he escorted me back to my chair.

"Come on before you dance our babies loose," he said making the girls laugh and me pout.

When I sat in my seat I looked at him still miffed but I had to admit that I was getting tired. "You shouldn't say that though it will jinx me, the kids may take it as a challenge." I say and he smirks at me.

"No they won't," he says confidently, "besides you're not due for another.." he stops talking as I clutch my belly at the sudden pain I feel.

"You ...were ....saying," I pant through my pain.

"Oh shit!" He says hopping up out of his chair.

"A doctor would be nice," I say before another contraction hits making me double over.

"I got you hold on," Darius says picking me up. By now we have other members of the party watching us and clearing a path.

"Remember to breathe," Rachel says as we pass by her at the door.

I nod and focus on my breathing, Darius gets us to the hospital wing quickly and Tori shows up looking very disheveled.

"Can we stop it? It's too early for them to come out," I say anxiously.

"Let me see.." she was saying but my cervix was already dilating quickly and my water appeared to be leaking. "Nope not anymore, I dont think the drugs will be able to stop this. I think they are ready now.. let's get them out." Tori moves about the room with the nurses getting things ready. Darius helps a nurse change me out of my dress to get into a not so flattering green gown.

Afterwards they helped me back onto the bed with stirrups. "Ok sweetie let's see what's going on here now," Tori says checking out my cervix. So not comfortable but necessary. "Ok you're already dilated to seven and a half centimeters, you're almost there."

"I think they are playing with us babe," Darius says and I glare at him.

"Don't say it!" I growl as I'm hit with another contraction. He begins to sweat but stays silent.

I wont bore you with the minute by minute replay, but it's now been almost nine hours. I'm so fucking tired, I've thrown up three times already. "Epidural.... I can't take it anymore... Please..." I beg.

The nurse calls the person who can give me the shot and Tori comes in to explain how it works to Darius. I'm all ready to go!


We turn to the side and you will not believe who is standing there. If you said the Moon Goddess you need to go buy a lottery ticket right now!

"Do not give her that shot! She and the babies are allergic to it!" She says and I start to cry. "I know it hurts love but you must be strong. You can do this your mate can help you." She says.

Darius bows and asks, "How can I help her? Please tell me."

"Draw her pain out and into yourself, share the load together. We will be watching over you all." She said then disappeared as quickly as she appeared.

"Sorry dear you heard the Goddess," the anesthesiologist sadly says and I nod. Darius helps me back into position on the bed and takes my hand. I look up at him but his eyes are closed in concentration. It takes a few minutes before I feel my pain starting to lessen a bit.

"Aahh thankyou," I say with tears leaking out of my eyes. The pain is now just this side of manageable.

"Always baby, whatever it takes," Dare says kissing the side of my head.

I fell asleep after that for about an hour when they woke me up. My water had officially broke and it was time to push. Luckily pushing was the easiest part for me. Five big pushes later I heard the cries of my first baby.

"Congratulations it's a boy!" Tori said smiling while holding him up.

"My baby," I was crying and laughing at the same time and I watched as Darius cut his umbilical cord. They took him to the side to clean him and do all his measurements when I felt his sibling coming.

"Ok Via it's time to push again," Tori instructs me and Darius takes my hand again.

This time I only had to push three times before I heard the cries of my baby.

"Its a girl!" Tori announces and again Darius cuts the umbilical cord. By now my son is done with his measurements so the nurse brings him to me.

"He's so beautiful," I say as I hold my tiny son. He yawns and it's the cutest thing in the world!

"Thankyou Via, thankyou for giving me a family of my own," Darius whispers and kisses my head.

"Here's baby sister," the nurse says laying her on the other side of my chest. "Thankyou" I mouth and she nods.

She is also sleeping soundly, they are both so perfect. "What are we going to name them babe? Remember we hadn't decided on names yet," Darius says and I look up at him and then start to giggle.

"Oh my goodness you're right," I say giggling in panic but he calms me.

"Don't worry we got this," he says confidently.

After much debate, we decided on these two names. For our son we chose Garrick Davis Hellflame. For our daughter we chose Phoebe Astoria Hellflame. It took us three hours to think up their names but what decided them were our kiddos themselves. Garrick looked up at us and Phoebe smiled in her sleep.

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