Chapter sixteen

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I've never flown before today but it's like the worlds best carnival ride. When we went up my belly swooped down, the wind whooshed in my face and I held tight to the harness.

"Holy shit you're fast!" I yell smiling but I don't think he heard me as the wind carried my voice away in the opposite direction.

Once Darius deemed us high enough he slowed down, gliding on the wind over our home. Looking down I got a aerial view of our place it was awesome. When I was on the ground I could tell our land was extensive. From up here I could see I didn't do it justice. Our place is even bigger than I thought, not only do we have what I saw earlier but all the surrounding land is part of Darius' territory.

That includes forest and the nearby mountain range, there is a river that also runs through our land that I can see deer drinking at.

Its beautiful, feeling brave I let the harness go spreading my arms feeling the wind rush past me. Closing my eyes for a moment I feel just how freeing it is.

Darius grunts at me and I open my eyes smiling at him. Grabbing the harness in my hands again he looks at me like, "I'm glad your having fun but don't do that on your first flight please!"

Giggling at the look he's giving me he rolls his eyes, making me laugh. We pass through a low hanging cloud and let me tell you, that shits cold! Here they look fluffy and soft but they are cold and wet.

Darius looks back at me noticing that I'm all wet he let's out a dragon equivalent of a laugh. He starts heading back towards the house though. I guess even though he thinks it's funny hes worried I'll catch a cold or something. Even though now that we are fully mated and I'm more impervious to injury and illness, it's hard for him not to worry still.

I get the swooping feeling in my belly once again as we descend into the clearing infront of the house. Once on the ground I unhook myself then let the harness slide to the floor. Sliding off as well I step back and Darius is once again engulfed by beautiful blue flames. He emerges in human form once again and I through my arms around him.

"That was amazing!" I exclaimed with a huge smile on my face and I can feel the pride and joy radiating from my mate in waves.

"You have no idea how happy this all makes me," he says softly with his eyes shining. I have some idea but choose to keep my thoughts to myself and just let my lips connect with his.

It's a slow burn that builds between us. "Let's get you out of those wet clothes," he says with no innuendo but my face heats giving my hormones away. His gaze heats and he lifts me sprinting for the house making me laugh all the way there.

We make love again, this time at a slow leisurely pace. We take the time to slowly enjoy learning each others bodies again. When we finally reach our peaks I cry out so loud I'm thankful that we dont have neighbors. With a grunt Darius moans out my name filling me once again.

I'm so spent I fall asleep with a contented sigh.

The next morning I'm deliciously sore, reaching for Darius I find the bed empty and cold. Panicking I sit up looking around, on my nightstand there is a note.

Good morning my love, dont panic I've gone to tend the gardens and see to the work that needs to be done outside.

You looked so tired and beautiful I couldn't be selfish and wake you. After all I did keep you up very late into the night.

If I dont let you sleep now how will I be able to do it again? 😉

I'll be back around lunch time relax for now baby and I'll see you soon.


With a smile on my face I get up and take a shower to get ready for the day.
I go through my clothes and pick out a pair of old comfy jeans and I grab one of Darius' t- shirts.

I head to the kitchen to start making lunch, I've decided to make us a picnic. I make us chicken cutlet sandwiches, potato salad with bacon, fruit salad, and pretzel chips. I was amazed I found all the ingredients for all this in the kitchen. I cleaned as I went so that I didn't leave a mess. I couldn't find a basket but I did find a small cooler big enough for my needs. Grabbing plates and utensils I placed it all into the cooler. I found some bottles of tea and put them in as well. Its twelve fifteen when Darius comes in.

"Hey handsome want to have a picnic with me?" I ask and his eyes soften.

"That sounds nice, come on I have the perfect spot," he says holding out his hand.

Grabbing the cooler off the floor I turn to him, he moves to take it from me and I let him (it's kinda heavy). He picks it up with ease then takes my hand in his, he leads us outside.

We walk and chat about how his day has been going as I look around. We take a trail threw the woods to a small clearing that has a picnic table and near by a corn hole and horseshoe setup.

"What do you think?" He asks and I smile, "it's great" then I notice a thing of bathrooms. "Its like a park," I say and he laughs.

"Yeah Henry and his brothers would come out alot when I first bought the land and I made this place so that way we didn't have to go to the parks in town, you know incase we got too rowdy," he says laughing.

"Did you guys ever get too rowdy?" I ask while setting out the food.

"Sometimes... nothing serious mind you just, it would have drawn unwanted attention to us. But we've grown out of it I think," he says taking the plate I offer him.

As he begins eating I realize my mistake, this isn't enough food for us both. Limiting myself to one sandwich and a handful of pretzel chips, I let Darius eat the rest.

"Babe are you sure you're not hungry still?" He looks at me not believing for a second that I've had enough to eat.

"Would you stop," I smile, "you're the one whose been working all morning, besides that's what dinner is for," I wink at him.

Shaking his head he polishes off the last of the potato salad and fruit salad.

"This was good babe," Darius says rubbing his stomach.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I beam at him.

Packing up our trash and putting everything back in the cooler we turn to go back to the house.

Darius stops turning around putting me behind him. "WHOSE THERE?" He calls out and that's when I hear it footsteps coming our way from the forest.

"CALM DOWN, it's just me"

Peeking out from behind Darius I see a guy step out of the woods and Darius relaxes. "Damn it Henry you're lucky I didn't fry your ass!"

"Why would you have done tha- whose that?" He says trying to see me.

"Henry this is my mate, Via. Via this is my annoying foster brother/ best friend Henry. Why did you mask your scent?" Darius growls.

"Sorry was trying something out, it was brought to my attention and had to see if you would notice. Your nose is even more perceptive than mine, and Hello Via it's a pleasure to meet you!" Henry waves and I step out from behind Darius.

"Hi! I hear good things," I say making him laugh.

"Come on trouble maker and you can tell us what you mean about trying something," Darius says leading us back to the house.

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