Chapter forty one

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Something I've learned over the years is to enjoy all the little things. Especially when it comes to my kids, because soon they won't be little anymore. That point is driven home once again today as my eldest babies, my twins turn seventeen today.

I'm beside myself with how much they have grown. Not to mention that I'm hormonal being pregnant yet again, but this will be my last baby whether I like it or not. The Goddess of fate came to us after we found I was pregnant once again, she left us with this message.

"First congratulations on your pregnancy, but this will have to be the last. If you get pregnant again after this baby, you will not survive. I suggest that you take steps to prevent another pregnancy after you have this child."

Then she disappeared just as quickly, but neither of us are sad. We have seven children after all, this baby brings us to eight.

Our twins Garrick and Phoebe are seventeen, Silver is fifteen, Maggie is thirteen, our son Jerico just turned nine, and our younger twins Magnus and Mavis our little m&ms are four turning five next month.

Our last baby we just found out is going to be a little girl, I was thinking of naming her after D's mom but he said he really likes the name Nima Ember Hellflame. He says it means something along the lines of "gift of light". Incase you were wondering yes most of our kids names have some form of meaning, other than we just liked the sound of it.

I just reached my six month mark and everything is going smoothly. D has been hovering like crazy though. I guess I can't really blame him though. My last pregnancy with the twins was very difficult. I was sick my whole pregnancy, and the labor was very ruff. We ended up having to stay in the hospital for three weeks before we could go home. Mostly it was because of me, I was sick from the long labor. I also tore a bit when pushing them out, but was happy that the twins were doing well. They were the biggest babies I've delivered so far. Both were eight and a half pounds.

Now knowing that this will be my last child I talked with Tori and we decided that it would probably be best to give me a partial hysterectomy.  It wasn't an easy decision to make, sure I could tie my tubes but my uterus was slightly damaged with the twins. I didn't think that could be possible but it was. It also explains why D has been fretting over me none stop.

I've had regular checkups to try and put his mind at ease but he's a worrywart. When he gets too much I send the kids an s.o.s, the kids have been distracting him with learning to fly.

They start to learn at the age of ten, but shift for the first time at five. Jericho has been stretching his wings everyday, but isn't allowed to try flying till next year. It frustrates him especially when his siblings fly by playing tag in the air.

My little m&ms are excited that they will shift next year but are content to play on their daddy's back or their siblings, when they let them.

Today though D has been teaching our fliers self defense while flying. Jericho and the twins are sitting on the porch with me watching.

Phoebe has been doing well, shes very fast but doesn't hit quite as hard as her twin.

Garrick packs quite the punch and is agile for his size. He helps his dad with teaching Silver and Maggie.

They are having a little bit more of a difficult time getting it right. Silver keeps leaving himself open to attack not guarding his vulnerable areas well. He gets distracted easily, he's more of a pacifist than a fighter.

Maggie is still working on her speed and agility. Our little Mags is just that on the little side. But she makes up for her size with spunkyness!

I love being a mom! My babies are all so talented and amazing.

You maybe wondering why D has been teaching them how to fight and protect themselves while flying. That would be because two years ago some dragons flew through here trying to start some trouble.

My husband being the badass protector he is put them in their place. He taught them the meaning of pain and to NEVER disrespect the Hellflame clan.

After that encounter we occasionally get clan heads that show up to pay respects to the bearer of the blue flames. It was crazy and at first really wigged us out, at first they didn't realize why D wouldn't be honored but soon realized it was because we have a house full of young.

Now they send a message beforehand so they dont get attacked. Especially now that I'm pregnant again all of my boys are just as protective as their father.

I'm just lucky they dont get their flames till they are twelve or our m&ms would have burned the house down last month. I don't think they even know what they were fighting about but Daddy had to lay down the law.

I was at the doctor's office with Maggie for her cast to come off. She had broken her arm, arm wrestling her brother. It still hurts my butt thinking about it. Needless to say they are no longer allowed to play that.

Back to the heads of clans coming to see Darius, well turns out that there is an old legend about blue flames being the mark of royalty. There hasn't been a royal dragon family in two thousand years.

One of the clans that came by wanted to have Phoebe marry their son, who is fifty seven years old. Needless to say I said hell no, she was barely sixteen at the time.

The end of discussion came with me saying "My daughter is not a bargaining chip, she will wait for love and hopefully the chance of meeting her mate. Not to satisfy your need for status."

That's right don't fuck with this momma or you will get burned!

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