Chapter forty two

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As I hold Nima I'm forced to leave Via, and join our other children in the waiting room. I wish V didn't need to have this surgery but it's for the best.

Tori said that she has her and I believe it so I'm desperately trying not to worry.

When I get to the waiting room the kids rush over to meet their baby sister.

"She's so tiny," Mavis says in awe. "Was I that tiny?" She asks me.

"Nope you were bigger so was Mags," Maggie says holding Magnus to her chest. "He fell asleep," she says smiling and I return it.

"Where is Phoebe?" I ask only now noticing one of my children is not here.

No sooner do I ask the door opens and she comes in, "hi dad ooh is that Nima? Can I hold her?"

"Where'd you go?" I ask while carefully handing her her sister.

"Bathroom," she says smiling down at Nima who yawns.

"How's mom?" Gar asks and I can tell he's as nervous as me.

"The labor went well, Nima here was the fastest to come meet the world," I say looking at her in my eldest daughter's arms while the others gather to see her.

"Dad?" Gar comes up to me and I look back at him.

"Tori has her son, she's going to be fine I can feel it," I say and hug him.

My mate says I've passed my worrywartness on to the kids, granted it was a joke. Sometimes, like now I wonder if it's true.

Some time later Tori comes in and together we rise.

"She's doing great the surgery went off without a hitch and we've moved her into recovery. She'll be out for a while but everything looks good. If you guys can just follow me, I will take you on back to see her." Tori says leading us to Via.

"Thankyou Auntie Tori," Jericho says when we reach V's room.

"No problem Jeri," she says smiling. "Well I got some other patients to go see so catch ya later," she says waving.

After a chorus of "bye-s" we sit and wait for V to come around.

We're watching Castle reruns on the TV when she squeezes my hand getting my attention.

"Hey baby you're awake how do you feel?" I ask and she smiles.


I chuckle and get her some water.

"Mom," the kids come over from the beanbags they were sitting on.

"Hi guys, where is Nima?" She says looking anxiously around and Gar gets her out of the bassinet she was in.

"Here she is mom," he says handing her over.

"Thankyou son, how are all of you feeling? Did you eat at all today?" She asks going into full mom mode.

"Yes," they say in unison and she visually relaxes a bit.

"Good, I'm so happy to have you all here with me." She smiles and we all smile back.

A week later

Via had to be in the hospital for a couple of days but we're all back home now. The kids all want their chance to hold their sister and have been fighting over her. They eventually just started taking turns, they really just want to give their mom a break.

V has been taking it easy but its annoying her to not be on top of everything. I asked her about it one night and she said, "it just feels like I'm not doing a good job as a mother. I should be doing all of this but the kids are doing my mom duties."

She felt bad that she wasn't the one constantly looking after Nima, making the food, and doing the laundry. I swear anyone else would be ok with the help but I dont know she feels like she needs to prove she can do it all.

"Babe you had surgery not to long ago, and you're tired. We're just trying to take care of you like you do for us every day. So relax, please?" I say taking her hands and she cries a little but nods her understanding.

I text Tori later worried that she may have some postpartum symptoms. So she said she will be by soon with her friend who helps the new moms that have that problem.

I tell V so she doesn't feel ambushed and she thanks me not angry at all, i guess V was worried about it too.

That night as we are laying down in our bed, I'm hit again with how lucky I am. My mate, my beautiful wife, the love of my life is sleeping next to me. She's doing amazing after giving me yet another child. Eight, we have eight beautiful, talented and just outstanding children.

All my dreams have come true the moment I walked into a coffee shop. I was worried that I would be alone for the rest of my life. That I would never find the one I was ment to be with.

I send a silent prayer thanking the Goddesses for bringing V to me. I then thank my parents for bringing me to this world so that I could find her.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when she curls closer to me. Via snuggles my side with a contented sigh, and I kiss her head.

We can't have sex till she's healed up, but she cracked me up earlier. When for the first time since she got home she gave me her "I'm going to jump you look." It probably helps I had just gotten out of the shower and was only in a towel.

"Dont give me that look, you're not ready for that. It doesn't matter if you can't get pregnant anymore, you still have to wait." I said getting dressed as quickly as I could because my woman is the ultimate temptress.

She would say otherwise but there is a reason why we have eight kids. I think back to when I was in my old clan and realized none of them even had that many kids.

I let out a small chuckle and V kisses my neck, "if we can't have sex go back to sleep, it's too early to be awake if Nima doesn't need us." She mumbles starting to fall back asleep.

"First I want to know are you glad that you were claimed by a dragon?" I ask kissing her head again.

"Every single day now let's get some sleep," she says and I feel my heart soar like it does whenever I'm happy.

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