Chapter six

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Ok you remember how I mentioned that I'm an orphan, and I also said I have twin cousins? Your probably thinking "what how can that be if you're an orphan?" Well this is how.... wait for it coming!

I woke up the next morning feeling as if I had the most amazing dream, but it wasn't a dream, I met a insanely handsome man who is a dragon shifter and he says I'm his mate. Me! A woman who has no family to speak of who is painfully ordinary. To him I'm extraordinary, or so he says. It's a lot to take in but I feel so safe and comfortable with him but I still think it's too soon to just jump in, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to.
Letting out a happy dreamy sigh I roll out of bed and go to do my morning routine in the bathroom (I'm not elaborating cuz yeah no one needs to know). After I'm done I go look in my closet for something to wear and pull out a soft brown tunic and pair it with some forest green leggings, to complete my look I grab my black ankle boots. I decide to pull my hair back into a fishtail braid and am in the process of finishing it when the bell rings.
Excited to see Darius I rush to the door, Maggie calls from the bathroom, "the door!" "I know," say as I pass by on my way to get it. Without looking first I open the door with a smile on my face and say goodmorning as I open the door to find two strangers and not Darius at the door step.
"Oh I'm sorry I thought you were someone else," I quickly say as my smile dims a bit.
"Hi we are looking for Via Bluerose, do you know her by chance?" The woman asks.
"Can I ask what this is about?" I ask not wanting to admit that I'm Via until I know what's going on.
"Oh Sorry hi we are her cousins, I'm Michelle and this is my twin brother Eric. We heard from our parents before they passed that our aunt and uncle had a baby out there somewhere and we decided to find our long lost relative. It wasn't easy but we finally were brought here. We just want her to know shes not alone." Michelle has this spark of hope and possibly longing in her eyes.
"She's our last remaining relative, I mean yes we have our in laws but even they agree that we can't just leave our cousin out in the world alone," Eric who has been quietly observing till now says.
"I'm Via, would you like to come in and tell me more of your story?" I'm genuinely curious about how this all went down.
They both have tears in their eyes and hug me before I can react.
"We've been looking for you for so long," Michelle sobs.
"We're sorry we couldn't get to you sooner," Eric says his voice is a bit gruff from suppressed tears.
"WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU HOLDING MY MATE?" Looking past the twins I see Darius holding a cup carrier with cups of coffee.
The twins turn to Darius and I give him a smile but hes focused on Eric.
"WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU HOLDING MY MATE?" he says again getting closer with a territorial look.
"My name is Eric and shes my cousin, my sister and I have been looking for her for the last six years. Hello, what's your name?" Eric holds out his hand.
"My name is Darius Hellflame, hello," Darius shakes his hand.
"Ok let's continue this conversation inside my neighbors are gawking," I say opening the door.
Slowly we make our way in and I lead them into the livingroom, turning to Darius I thank him for my coffee and kiss his cheek. Darius' eyes melt at me and I do the same.
"How long have you been mated?" Michelle asks smiling.
"I found Via a few days ago," Darius says looking at me.
"Goodmorning everyone, I'm Maggie and hello who are our other guests?" She asks giving me the box with Darius and I's eclairs.
I wink at her and she focuses on my cousins. Opening the box I get Darius his eclair and he has me feed it to him. If we were alone I wouldn't be responsible for my actions because he made that hot.
"Hello Maggie we are Via's cousins, we've been looking for her since our parents told us about her before their passing. They said that her parents couldn't afford to keep her, they had contracted a rare disease and being estranged from our parents, didn't think to contact them.
My parents always regretted not reaching out to them, our dad missed his little brother and when they died it broke his heart. He said that he couldn't find you and he left it to us to find you. He and our mother were in a car accident, our mom died instantly and dad two days later due to complications. We were on our own at fifteen. Luckily Eric here met his mate Ivona not long after," Michelle smiles.
"Michelle met her mate two years after, Tora is Ivona cousin," Eric laughs.
I smile genuinely happy for them.
"We kinda were wondering if you wanted to meet his brother whose unmated," before Eric can say anything else Darius growls.
"Via is my mate," his voice is deep and a flame glows behind his eyes.
"Calm down they didn't know," I say putting my hand on his leg to calm him. He calms at my touch and takes my hand in his.
"Via's right we mean no disrespect, we just want to know our cousin and want her happy. Knowing she has a mate we dont have to worry about her happiness at least, we know you will do right by her." Michelle smiles and Maggie gives me the I told you so look.
I turn to look at Darius and hes already looking at me, now I know what love looks like, I always wanted to know.

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