Chapter thirty four

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Malik POV

*huff huff*

I've been making my way towards Darius' land since I got away but feel like I'm barely moving. I know one of my ankles is broken making my foot pretty useless, like so many of my other bones. Not to mention I'm freaking dizzy from all the blood I've lost.

The guy in charge has to be a hunter or something. Otherwise how would he know about using silver and wolfsbane? I'm just lucky the other guy's a moron.

Not only did he leave me so he could take a nap, he left the keys out on the counter. He actually told me it was "to torcher you, knowing that freedom is too far out of your reach."

I've never been so happy to see an imbecile in my entire life. Now if I could just get to Dare's house I can see Janice again.

I know that she made it there I can feel it in my bones, she doing just fine.
It's incredibly frustrating that I have to move so slow. If not for the wolfsbane I would be healed already. Hell I could shift and get there faster.

My broken foot gets caught up on a tree root and I face plant into a Bush. FUCK, damnit that fuckin hurts! I managed not to yell out in pain. I don't want to give those assholes my position. But as soon as I get a whiff of my kin it's on.

Just got to keep moving!

Darius POV

I decided to take to the sky to see if I could see anything. Heading in the direction that the guys picked up the trail I head south west. Flying low enough to get a very clear view but high enough that I shouldn't be shot down. At least I hope I'm not in anyone's firing range.

I catch sight of something just as the guys howled. I circle over head to make sure it's not a trap before heading down. After I land Henry who shifted back lifts Mel onto my back.

"We have to get him to the pack hospital quickly his heart is beating too fast." He says just as we hear something crashing through the forest behind us. "Take him and get out of here we will handle this!"

Not wanting to get in the way I take off, the flight is quick. As I land pack members come running out. They take Mel off my back but I'm busy looking for Via, knowing her she should have come out.

Shifting I start asking everyone near me where my mate is. "Where's Via? Where's my mate?"

"She's not here uncle Dare," Henry's eldest son says. "Was she supposed to be here?"

My blood freezes then begins to boil. "Link your father tell him something has happened to the girls!" I tell his son then call out to some near by warriors. "Hey I need you to come with me my mate and Mel's are in danger, after I shift get on my back!"

I dont wait for a confirmation I just move back and shift. As soon as the three guys get on I take to the sky. I follow the road knowing that is the route I need to follow. My anxiety rises with each passing second.

I pick up the smell of blood and see the car off in the trees. I stop and land, the guys have just enough time to jump off as I shift.

"VIA!!!" I scream out as I rush to the vehicle.

I open the door but only Janice is in the back knocked out. She has blood on the side of her head. Maggie is slumped over in the front and so is Tori. The guys get the girls out and I shift to help to get them back fast.

"We have to hurry Tori has been shot," one of them says.

Henry and his posse show up just before I was about to take off. "Don't worry Dare we will get started on looking for Via!"

I nod and push off the ground flying faster so that I can get back quickly.

I haven't really prayed much in my life but I am now, "please Goddesses and Gods, DONT TAKE MY FAMILY FROM ME!"

I can't lose them.

I get back within minutes of taking off. One of the guys is waiting for me, this way follow me. He shifts and takes off and I follow. We end up crossing a river, which worried me. What if they lose her scent.

Then I remember who Henry had with him, Felco.. he is the best tracker the pack has had in two hundred years.

As I'm flying I hear a voice float into my head, "remember bearer of the azure flame, your mate to stronger than she appears. Have Faith!"

I don't know who is talking to me but it calms my frantic mind. Trust in Via, is what it tells me.

Via's POV

I open my blurry eyes to a darkly lit room. Wtf, where am I? Then I remember the crash. My head hurts so I try lifting my hand.

That's when I see my hands have been tired together in front of me. Oh shit! I look around quickly and see I'm in a small room with a small hard bed that I'm currently sitting on. A toilet and sink are in the corner.

Worse yet no windows, how long have I been here? Oh God Darius must be freaking the fuck out. I reach for our bond and find it strong, he's ok.

"I'm alive, I'm going to get back to you!" I whisper as if he can hear me. I rub my little baby bump and feel two small kicks. As if my babies are saying "you can do it mommy!"

Yes my loves, we are getting the hell out of here and back to your daddy! First we got to get out of this room, then find a way outside.

"Oh good you're awake, I've missed you Via. Now we can be together forever isn't that nice?"

I look at the face of my captor and he looks even worse than the mugshot. "Hello my creepy stalker, I'm sorry but that will not be happening." I say with conviction and defiance. If I have to I will kill this man to keep my children safe and return to my mate, whatever it takes I'm going back home.

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