Chapter thirty nine

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The day after I gave birth to my babies, Janice and Malik came to see us. They wanted to meet the twins before leaving for their honeymoon.

My cousin had gotten them tickets to this fancy underwater resort. It is open to all species and has the highest safety ratings there are. Her husband is friends with the owners and his buddy hooked them up.

"I just had to see my niece and nephew before leaving," Janice says while holding Phoebe. Since Maggie always says I'm like her daughter, Janice and I have started calling each other sis and truly feel like sisters.

You know what they say "some families you pick yourself. You may not be blood relatives, but that doesn't change the fact that they are family."

"Hi Garrick I'm your uncle Mel, I'm so happy to finally meet you." Mel says smiling down at him.

"You did so good Via," Maggie says sniffing while watching the babies.

"I'm still so tired," I say chuckling softly.

"Long labor with no pain meds does that," she said nodding.

"Where's Darius?" Janice asked surprised that he wasn't here.

"He went to make me food, I'm hungry." I smiled.

"Here babe they wouldn't let me- hey guys I thought you left already," Darius said surprised as he brought in a food tray.

"Hey daddy- o!" Mel says smiling making Darius grin ear to ear.

"They are so beautiful you both make cute babies," Janice says smiling and Darius laughs.

"I'm just lucky they look like their momma," he says placing the food on my table.

"Mel now you got to step it up and give us triplets," Maggie says with a twinkle in her eyes.

I would laugh at the looks Mel and Janice are giving her but I'm eating the sub D got me. He on the other hand is laughing so hard his eyes are watery.

"You're too much Mags!" Darius says wiping his eyes and she smiles taking it as a compliment.

"Are we interrupting?" Tori asks as she enters holding hands with Newt.

"Not at all, infact we better get going," Mel says handing Garrick to Maggie.

"Can I hold her?" Tori asks Janice as she goes to pass Phoebe to D.

"Ofcourse you can," I say and Janice passes her off to Tori.

"Now if you will excuse us.. I got some babies to fill my wife with!" Mel smirks and Janice blushes as he pulls her out the door followed by our laughter.

"I bet she will be pregnant before the honeymoon is over," Tori says.

"I bet she is before they get there," I say then take another bite of my food.

"I bet she is already," Maggie says and we look at her. "Its just a hunch," she shrugs.

"Well when the time comes I can check," Tori smiles.

"So how are you settling in Newt?" Darius asks.

"Well I sent word for my things, which my brother Marco will be bringing up in a few days. Lucky for me Tori here has a house on the lake near by. So if I need to I have a place to swim around. It will feel different not being in saltwater but shes worth it," he says with a proud smile on his face.

Tori leans over kissing him softly her look clearly says 'he is too.'

We spent the next two days getting visited by friends and family till the twins and I were given the all clear to go back home.

Darius has been insistent about taking care of our little ones at night. "I just want you to rest up," he says when I asked about it this morning.

"Don't get me wrong babe I appreciate it but you need your sleep too." I say as I'm getting ready for the day. Legging and baggy shirt yes please.

"You had such a hard time bringing our beautiful babies into this world. All I could do was watch and help support you when you got too tired to hold yourself up." He says with such a sad look in his eyes.

"That's not true, when I couldn't handle my pain you took enough to help me. You gave me all I needed to keep going. You are so amazing, I'm so thankful for you and our kids," I kiss him softly.

I intended to make it just a soft kiss but Darius deeped it holding me close.

*babies cry*

Pulling back I smile, "sounds like our little ones are ready for breakfast."

At that he gives me a heated look, "that is the sexiest thing I have ever seen."

Shaking my head I laugh, "what is it that guys find so hot about their women feeding their young?"

"You just said it and I think it's a primal thing," he says following me to the nursery.

We each change one of our babies, taking turns to change each. This time I get to change Phoebe, I just finished and pick her up when D makes a funny sound. Turning I start to giggle, Garrick has just peed in his face.

"Thanks for the shower son," D says tickling him making him laugh.

Sitting on the rocking chair and move my shirt so that I can start feeding Phoebe.

"See that's a beautiful sight right there."

Looking up Darius smiles while gently rocking our son. "Have I told you lately how much I love you?" I ask.

"Maybe, but I don't get tired of hearing it or saying it back to you." He kisses my upturned lips, then helps position Garrick so that he can have his breakfast. "I'm going to get started on our breakfast, I'll be back shortly," he says heading out.

After he leaves I humm to my children as they drink their milk. At times talking to them about random things. When I do they open their eyes and listen to me as they continue to drink. When Phoebe finishes I sit her up more just as Darius walks in.

"Hey baby girl did you enjoy your breakfast?" He asks as he begins to burp her. "Breakfast is ready  do you want to head down or wait till our little man is finished with his breakfast?"

"I'll be down when he's finished," I say.

Darius nods "ok we'll be waiting for you two." Then he heads out again talking to phoebe about how he met me. "One day you will meet someone who will love you and treat you right or daddy will knock their teeth in."

I giggle and Garrick looks at me, "dont worry daddy has a speach for you too."

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