Chapter twenty eight

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I wake up and grab my belly, twins! I'm having twins, holy moly if that dream was real D it gonna lose his shit. Speaking of he's not next to me, I look around but then the shower starts and I know where he is.

Getting out of bed I walk over to the bathroom and walk in, slipping out of my pjs I get in behind him. His muscles in his back relax at my touch, but he doesnt turn.

"I'm sorry I upset you yesterday," he says and I kiss his back. With each kiss I feel his tension leaving him till he turns to me. He tilts my head back and gently claims my lips. "I love you, and only want to protect you and our baby," he rests his head on mine.

"I love you too D, but remember I'm immune to burns and fire now, I get that your first reaction is to freakout over everything. Especially with my stalker, but these little things shouldn't be freaking you out.
Also I have some interesting things to tell you but right now I want you. Please make love to me against the wall," I say and he lifts me.

"I will do my best to stop freaking out so much," he says then kisses the tip of my nose. "Now let's makeup," his voice deepens as he slides into me.

"Ah, yes let's do that mmm," I manage to get out before I lose my train of thought.

Best shower ever!

Round two was in our bed and lasted so much longer, "mmm maybe we should argue more?" I say jokingly.

"Nope, I dont like it even if make up sex is Spectacular!" D says snuggling me making me giggle.

"Oh babe I have to tell you something crazy but really cool at the same time," I say preparing myself.

D looks at me expectantly and I begin, "have you ever heard of Syria?" I ask and at his nod I continue, "well she paid me a visit last night in my dream."

"Why would the Goddess of the flame contact you? Most dragons don't even get that honor," he says softly in awe.

"She said she wanted to meet me, that you need me by your side and that one day all dragons would look to you as a leader." He scoffs but I press on, "She also told me to remind you that I'm stronger now and to remember that flames wont harm me, that part was important! Also that our enemy isnt invulnerable, meaning we could exploit his weakness whatever it is."

Darius has a thoughtful look on his face considering what I've just said, then I hit him with the whammy.

"She also said that this is rare but I'm carrying twins, and all of us are doing just fine," I say watching his face.

His eyes grow ever so slightly larger and shoot to my belly then back to my eyes. "Are you serious? We're going to have two babies?" He asks and I'm starting to get nervous till he starts laughing. "Gods I love you!!" He says then kisses me stupid.

Darius scoots down so that he can rest his ear against my growing belly. Then he begins to talk to our babies, "this is your daddy speaking, I just want you to know that your mommy and I love you so very much. We can't wait to meet you." He kisses my belly then looks up at me.

"I love you" I say and all seems right in the world.

Creepy stalker POV

I got the good from my guy but he needed a favor. What kinda shit is this doesn't he know I'm too busy for that crap?

Apparently his cousin's wife ran off on him cause she got tired of being black and blue. He wants me to find her for him.

I don't give a shit where she is, I'm too busy to look for her anyway but when I glance at the picture of this chick. I realize I've seen her somewhere before, she was out with Via once I think.

Maybe I can use her as bait to help lure Via to me. Then I can give the bait to my guy to give to his cousin. Hey look two birds one stone, now I just gotta grab her.

Now where did I see her again? Right shes at that apartment Via used to live in. Oh maybe Via left a pair of panties behind. Would make jerking off more fun.

I gotta wait for dark though, too many busybodies live here. I guess I could go grab some stuff like duck tape or furry cuffs. People will just think we're kinky if they see furry cuffs.

5 hours after sunset

I case the apartment from the clean but tiny backyard, no lights are on. So I go up to the backdoor and try turning it slowly. Locked

I guess they are more cautious than I thought. Pulling my tools from my pocket I get started on the lock. Opening the door I quietly move inside, its quiet... almost too quiet. Looking around I see nothing, moving to the next room I see sheets draped over the furniture.

What the fuck?!!!

I go from room to room and besides the furniture there really isn't any personal items. DAMNIT!

Where the fuck did they go???

I'm so pissed it takes me a moment to realize that there is a cop car pulling up infront of the apartment. Moving to a window that looks at the back I notice some flash light beams at the back gate.

Shit, did I trip a silent alarm or something?

Cutting my losses I climb out one of the windows on the side of the apartment that looks over the neighbor's roof. Making sure no ones looking I make my way over to the neighbor's roof and start working my way out of the neighborhood.

Now I gotta look for this bitch... great.

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