Chapter thirteen

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We head over to the green houses first, the first one we enter has fruits, and fruit trees with ginormous fruit. If I hadn't eaten yet I would have wanted one.

"Wow how did you get them so huge?" I say looking at all the fruit. When he doesnt say anything I turn to him and he's laughing. "What did I say? Why are you laughing?" I ask confused.

"Sorry it's like Maggie just popped into my head and said 'that's not all that's huge'," he says laughing.

"Oh God she's hijacking our brains now," I face palm and he cracks up laughing even louder.

Hugging me he sticks his face in my neck kissing it, "at least she's entertaining, right?" He asks and I chuckle.

"Yes," I smile.

"And to answer your question it's a secret, sorry sweet," he whispers then kisses my neck again.

"Fine keep your enlarging secrets to yourself then," I wink at him and wonder off.

I don't get far before I'm lifted off the ground, I let out a yelp of surprise as I'm tossed over Darius' shoulder.

Lightly smacking my bottom he says, "let's finish the tour later there's a secret I'm going to share with you, I have a feeling I'm going to have to share it over and over."

Omg I can feel myself getting soaked and being so close to his face he can smell it. Quickening his pace we make it to our room in record time.

Maggie's POV

I'm so happy for Via, that girl deserves to know true happiness. Not only did she get claimed by a handsome dragon man, but she has family who searched for her and found her.

I will be sad not to have her with me but I'm more excited about the prospect of little dragonlets running around.

Bingo tonight went great I won six times, take that Margo! She's been throughing that four win streak in my face for months.

*ring ring*

Who's calling me at this hour? Checking the time I see it's eleven thirty.

"Hello?" I say hopeing it's not something serious.

"Mom, its Janice I'm sorry it's so late."

"What's wrong?"

"I left Henry, he was hitting me, but now I don't have anywhere to go. I have no money he wouldn't let me work, I have no friends because he wouldn't let me have them. *sobs* I don't know what to do mom."

"Come to me, my roommate is probably going to be moving soon, you can sleep in my room till then."

"Ok I'm on a bus headed your way, I'll see you soon."

"Stay safe, wait how are you talking to me then?"

"This nice lady let me use her phone."

"Ok sweetie, I'll see you when you get here."

"Thanks mom."

"I love you! Janice."

"I love you too mom!"

Hanging up, I wish I could call Via but I'll have to wait till tomorrow to let her know that she doesn't have to stay for my sake.

I better get to sleep if I'm going to be up at a decent hour. Getting ready to sleep I lay down and fall asleep.

Via's POV

"Mmm" stretching I can feel how sore I am, crap I dont think I'm going to be able to walk like forreals. Which is a problem because I REALLY got to pee.

Rolling over I shake Darius, "mmmm what's wrong babe?" He asks me with sleepy eyes.

"I need the bathroom but I can't walk, can you carry me please?" I ask and he gets up comes to my side of the and lifts me gently. "Thankyou."

"Don't worry about it," he says as he places me on the toilet, being the gentleman he is he gives me privacy to do my business. After I finished I try getting up to wash my hands, operative word being try.

I stood only to fall to the floor, "ouch... damn it." I mumble as I start crawling to the sink.

I'm in the process of trying to climb up the counter when Darius comes in.

"What the hell Via are you ok?" He rushes to me and lifts me up.

"Yeah can you lean me by the sink so I can wash my hands?" I ask him and he leans me over the sink.

"How bout I draw a bath to help with your legs?" Darius asks kissing the side my neck.

"Sounds good to me," I say washing my hands.

"Ok give me a second," he says but then he doesn't move.

"You can go get it ready I'll be fine," I smile at him and he nods. He keeps looking at me like he's afraid I'll fall again. "I'm fine," I roll my eyes with a smile on my face and he relaxes.

He fills the tub with warm water and adds some essential oils, from the smell there's eucalyptus, lavender, mint, and chamomile. The smell is soothing and not overwhelming at all.

Coming back to me he lifts me up and gets into the tub with me. It's large enough to hold us both comfortably, sitting against Darius I feel myself relaxing.

"Better?" He asks and I humm.

"This oil smells so soothing," I sigh.

"You think so?" He asks while rubbing my shoulders.

"mm hmm" I hum.

"I made it, I was thinking of selling it, what do you think?" He asks.

"Only as long as you save some for me," I say peeking at him.

"I will," he kisses me while rubbing the oils into my body. I can feel hes getting aroused again.

Giggling I pull back and say, "cool it, I need to recover."

Smirking he kisses my head saying, "I can't help it you turn me on."

"That's good to know," I giggle some more making him shift as I keep rubbing against his ever growing erection.

"So what do you want to do today?" He asks to distract himself from wanting to jump my bones again.

"Hmm we could finish the tour or you could take me flying," I say trying to contain my excitement but he sees right through me.

"We can do that," he nods, "but after we soak for a bit more," he says rubbing my arms holding me close again and I lean back resting against him, "yeah that sounds nice," I sigh closing my eyes.

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