Chapter five

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He wasn't kidding when he said he loved chocolate, he moaned when he took his first bite and I think my underwear dissolved from the sexy sound he made.
To distract myself I dig into my fruit tart and icecream. The icecream balanced out the tartness nicely along with the cream in the tart itself, it's quite good, maybe not moan worthy but still delicious.
"Do you want to try some of mine?" Darius asks.
Blushing I nod, taking a bite I see why he moaned as I let out one of my own.
"Oh my God that's so good," I say then look at him, thank God I swallowed my food or I would have to choked. The look in his eyes holy mother of cheesecake, the lust in his eyes is doing things to me. I break eye contact first and can feel that I'm blushing.
"Do you want to try mine?" I ask and his answer leaves my mouth drier than a desert.
"I thought you would never ask I'd love to taste your creamy tart."
Holy fuck he did that on purpose, my mouth may be dry but other parts of me are so not. Hes making me feel things I've never felt and he hasn't even touched me. What's it going to feel like when he does?
Come on Via keep it together damnit! I chastised myself, if I'm going to be able to walk out of here and not embarrass the hell out of myself I need to cool it.
Clearing my throat I change the subject, "so what brought you to town?" I ask genuinely curious.
"You, my dragon felt the pull and it lead me to you. My whole life I always wanted to feel the pull, I just hope that you'll accept me." The look in his eyes tells me that he prays I wont leave him on his own like the clan that forced him out abandoning him.
"Like I said I just want to get to know you first, I've never been with anyone before and this is new for me," I say nervously looking at him.
His soft smile makes me feel warm and let's me know he understands, I dont feel like hes pressuring me to do anything and I appreciate it.
"Should we get something for your friend?" He asks and I smile.
"She mentioned never having the cherry and rose eclairs, a friend of hers told her about them they had said how amazing they taste." I say wondering myself about their taste, I forgot all about them till Darius mentioned Maggie.
"They sound great let's get Maggie some and some for us as well." Darius winks at me.
"That sounds good but I'll have to eat mine tomorrow I'm so full." I say rubbing my tummy then I stop embarrassed by my bad habit.
He then rubs his, "yeah I probably should wait till tomorrow too."
He picks up the check and we stand to leave, on the way out our waitress thanks us for coming. Then while I wasn't looking passed a paper with her number on it to Darius. I only know because it pissed him off and he gave it back to her, he didn't say anything just crumpled it. Then he took my hand leading me to the front, we got the eclairs and left. He opened my door for me and I got in, as he came around to get in I wondered if he was ok, most guys dont mind the flirting but Darius was greatly offended by it.
"Im sorry if I upset you, it's just clearly they can see I'm with you, how can they be so rude. I'm sorry they showed you such disrespect like that." Ive never had anyone care so much about me and feel upset on my behalf like that. Seeing how he was tense because of this I took his right hand that he just used to turn the heat on. He quickly looked my way before he relaxed with a smile on his face. "Thankyou Via," he says.
"For what?" I ask tilting my head.
"For agreeing to have dinner with me and putting up with my bad mood when those people make me irate," he smiles at me.
I swear his dimples and charming smile turn me into putty. "In that case thankyou for everything and also thankyou for getting mad on my behalf," I say and he gently rubs hes thumb over my knuckles.
We sat in companionable silence the rest of the way to Maggie's. When we get there he asked me to wait in the car. "Ok," I say mystified by why he asked me to wait till he comes around and opens my door, hes such a gentleman.
He walks me the door and hands me the eclairs, "could I spend time with you again tomorrow?"
"I would love that," I smile.
"Can I kiss you goodnight?" He asks me hopefully.
As an answer I raised my hand curled it behind his neck and pulled him down to kiss me. I don't know where this confidence came from but I'm glad its here. His lips are soft but strong, I can feel the kiss all the way to my toes.
All to soon the kiss ends, looking into his eyes I can see it effected him too.
"Till tomorrow then?" He says caressing my cheeks.
"Yes tomorrow," I say then he kisses me again and I lean into him. He pulls me close and one of his hands finds it's way into my hair while the the other curls around my waist. My hand that isnt holding a to-go box is in his hair.
The door opening startled us, "oh sorry I was just taking out my trash," Maggie says embarrassed.
"Hi Maggie we brought you a rose and cherry eclair," I say stepping back and Darius smiles at my bashfulness.
"Oh thankyou you shouldn't have," she says smiling.
"Anytime, Maggie allow me to take out your trash while you two lock up for the night," Darius winks at me.
"Thankyou dear and thankyou for the dessert goodnight," she says handing over the trash bag.
When he turns to me I kiss him quickly and say, "I'll save our eclairs for tomorrow," then I wink and go inside, his huge smile as he turns is the last thing I see before I close the door and lock it.
Maggie is waiting in the kitchen for her eclair. "So how was it?" She asks sitting forward excited to hear about my date with my mate, I still can't believe that I'm his mate.
Before I go into detail about my date I give her, her dessert.
"Why is there three?" She asks with curiosity.
"Ones mine and one is his," I say with a small smile.
"Is he coming in to eat it? Or what?" She asks wiggling her eyebrows.
"Omg hes coming over tomorrow sometime," I say looking like a tomato. "So please dont eat them."
I sit across from her as she eats her dessert and relay the details of my date with Darius.
"You're a lucky woman," she smiles when all is said and done.
I sigh dreamily just thinking of him, "ok I'm going to take a shower and get to bed night Maggie," I say before I head up stairs.
"Goodnight Via sleep well!" She calls after me.

After my shower I change into my pjs and lay down, I can't wait for tomorrow!

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