Chapter eleven

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The drive up to the house takes us about fifteen minutes, the sides of us still surrounded by trees.

Then it opens, to a wide space, its beautiful. He points out some green houses, he has one for fruits and another for flowers. He tells me how he grows and sells them as specialty items for a local florist that is in the wolf pack near by.

His house is huge, it's a three story log mansion. "Holy moly your house is huge!" I say gaping at it.

"I was hopeing that once I found my mate, we would make a large family together," he says and his ears are reddening.

"How many dragonlets were you thinking?" I ask curiously. I swear my curiosity is going to get me into trouble one of these days.

"As many as you will give me," he says parking in front of his "house."

We get out and I look around more we seem to be in a valley, he even has his own lake. It's so beautiful that I may just cry, ok not really but being a city kid I never really got to go out into nature.

The area we're in is some what clear of vegetation. He turns to me with a look like he wants something but is afraid to ask.

"What's up I can tell you wanna say something?" I smile at him to put him at ease.

"Uhh.. well... I- I was wondering if you wanted to see my flames?" He asks shifting his feet nervously.

"I would be honored," I step forward and take his hands in mine.

His answering smile is dazzling, "ok... relax.. ok."

I nod and he concentrates, soon we are both engulfed by blue flames. Its warm like a comforting blanket, it's also unimaginably beautiful as the world around us takes on an azure hue.

"This is amazing, you are amazing Darius!" I laugh excited.

He pulls me into a hug and then kisses me deeply, "thankyou, thankyou for accepting me and my flames, for not being afraid of me....for not rejecting me." His voice is so thankful that it hurts that he could think he's not good enough to be loved.

"I was going to wait to ask but, can we complete the mating process? I know its earlier than you want but this way I dont have to worry about you getting hurt as much," he rushes to say.

"You had a nightmare didn't you?" I ask.

"Yes Via, its always the same... you're hurt and I can't reach you. Before I wake each time I think, if we had mated you wouldn't have been hurt I wouldn't be too late, you wouldn't leave me alone."

He sounds so heart broken that I feel mine mirror his, "ok, I'm ready will it.. hurt?" I ask nervously.

"I hear a woman's first hurts a bit.. but I'm here with you and I'll do all I can so it doesnt hurt too much ok," he says softly and I kiss him again.

His flames fade away and he leads us inside, too nervous to look around I tell him, "let's mate now, you can show me around after."

We go upstairs to the second floor and he leads me to a bedroom. It's his because it smells like him, it's done in warm browns paired with cream colors. It's so cozy feeling, leading me to the bed he stops turning to me.

"I'm going to undress you now," he whispers in my ear as he starts leaving kisses on my neck. True to his word I start losing clothes but because hes heating my body with his touches and kisses I cant seem to strip fast enough.

Without asking I take off his shirt and unbutton his pants, I undress him leaving kisses and running my hands over his hard muscles, he shudders at my touch. I melt for him in return, we explore each others bodies, taking our time.

Here I thought I would be too nervous and insecure, but Darius makes me feel beautiful and confident. I feel comfortable enough to explore his body with confidence I didn't previously have. His sounds of pleasure spur me on and he's not the only one. Soon he has me begging for something, I don't know what it is not having any experience in this.

Soon I cry out his name, shouting out to the universe letting it be known he's MINE.

Not long after I float out of my body on a blissful cloud he takes me flying again as he fills me with his essence. He groans my name filling me till hes spent and then I feel this fire flash through me making me cry out.

It doesn't last long but it was an intense heat. Then I notice a dragon in blue flames printed in my left hand.

"What's this?" I ask shocked.

"It shows others that you are my mate, he holds up his hand showing a blue rose, and this is to show others I'm taken and I'm yours." He curls me next to him and we admire our mating marks.

"I love you Via, I know it's all moving quickly for you but you are my life, and I've waited all of my life to have you here with me." His smile is blinding and I can only agree. It feels as if I was born just to be here with Darius and to love him.

"It is fast but, I know I love you too already. It's as if my sole purpose for being was to meet you and to fall in love with you. Thankyou for finding me." I kiss his soft lips and he kisses me back, we end up staying in bed till my stomach growling made us get up to eat.

It's only four in the afternoon but I can tell I dont want to leave tonight. Calling Maggie I let her know I'm going to spend the night here and she cheers so loud I have to hold the phone from my ear.

"Make me more grand babies!" She yells before having to go she and the girls from her book club are going to bingo.

"I love your friend, shes awesome!" Darius laughs having listened to our conversation making me blush.

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