Chapter fifteen

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Darius walked through the front door he had just put the last of my bags in the truck, when I came back to the front room.

"It's bittersweet seeing you all packed to go, I'm going to miss having you here," Maggie says hugging me.

"I'm going to miss seeing you every day too Mags," I squeeze her tightly.

*Knock knock*

We barely hear the timid knocks. I let Mags go so she can answer and pull Darius to my side out of the way.


We hear a sob from Janice, then hear Mags' mama bear voice take over.

"If that bastard ever shows his face here I'll kill him!"

"Mags let her in," I call out worried about the state Janice is in.

The front door closes and they round the corner only to stop again. Janice looks at Darius warily, his presence has clearly startled her.

"This is my mate Darius," I introduce him and he gives Janice a nod.

I can feel Darius tense a little as we take in her barely concealed bruises and cuts that appear to be extensive. No doubt they will be much worse without the makeup.

"I can see my presence is upsetting you and from what I gather, you have had a long taxing journey to be with your mother. I wish you well miss Janice but Via and I do have some plans to get to. So we should let you two catch up." Darius says in a quiet measured voice doing his best to calm Janice's anxiety that he can no doubt feel.

She looks at me as if to see if I'm ok, I give her a smile and a nod, "Darius promised to take me flying and I wanna get going before it gets too cold," I say unable to hide my excitement making Darius chuckle.

"You two have fun then," Maggie says smiling while Janice gives us a small wave.

Opening the door I remember my key I turn to Maggie holding it out but she closes my hand around it. "Keep it for luck," she smiles and I nod trying not to let my tears show so I smile instead.

"Keep your mom out of trouble Janice," I say winking at her.

"Hey I keep my craziness at bingo," Maggie says smiling and we all laugh.

Janice smiles and gives me a nod, "I'll do my best."

Giggling at the look on Maggie's face, Janice and I hug then I turn to Darius who's been waiting patiently with a smile. He opens my door and helps me in, he goes around the front of the truck getting behind the wheel. Waving one last time Darius turns the truck around and we head back home.

"Do you think they will be alright? Should we help them get a professional to go out and set up a security system?" I ask Darius worried that Janice's ex will show up.

"I'll make a call when we get home, I know a guy from the local wolf pack that can set that up for them. He owes me a favor, so I can probably get a good discount if not get it done for free. As long as you dont mind waiting," he says peeking at me.

I feel my heart swell with pride, "you're amazing you know that?" I ask with a dopey smile on my face I'm sure.

"Glad you think so," Darius says looking happy.

Knowing how his past has been, I doubt he had many chances to truly be happy after his parents passed. I'm so happy to be in his life now and seeing the happiness on his face. It warms me and gives me a feeling of peace.

"So what did you do it get this favor?" I ask curiously.

I helped introduce him to his wife, she had been looking for a job when I ran into her. I told her about the flower shop, and she ended up being his mate. He had felt like he was never going to find his mate." He says.

"What's her name?" I ask.

"It's Rachel, her husband name is Henry I've known him since I was twelve. He's a good guy, his family helped me out after the clan kicked me out.

I bet people thought that it was weird a dragon being cared for by wolves. They never seemed to be bothered being seen with me though so I guess it was fine." He says taking the turn onto our land.

That's so weird to say, but true. I feel like a rescue that has found its forever home. The thought makes me giggle making Darius look at me with a "what's so funny look?"

I tell him my thought and he smirks shaking his head.

"I know I'm weird," I laugh.

"I adore you anyway," he says softly making me blush.

We pull up infront of the house and take my stuff upstairs, when we get everything in our bedroom, I decide to start putting things away while Darius calls Henry.

He heads to his office while I start hanging my clothes in the closet. I finish doing that then put my toiletries in our ensuite.

I just finished getting all my things where they needed to be when Darius comes in. "Are you ready to see my dragon and go flying?"

Ok I couldn't help it I cracked up laughing. He looks perplexed for a second then he snorts "Not that! We can do that later," he says winking at me.

Giggling I walk to him shaking my head reaching up I grab his face lean on my tiptoes and kiss him. "Let's go flying!" I say excited.

We walk down stairs and head out front, "ok stand back a bit," Darius motions me back. Listening to him I back up then watch as blue flames circle him growing outwards lifting up ever so high. Then vanish leaving the most magnificent dark blue, so dark he's almost black, dragon in its place. He lowers his head infront of me and I run my hand along the side of his head. His skin is firm and silky smooth, if that makes sense. His soulful eyes glow looking like golden honey.

"You're magnificent babe! I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life," I smile and he let's out a contented purr like sigh, rubbing his face against mine lightly he turns telling me to get on.

I sit gingerly on his shoulders I didn't notice before but he had brought out some kind of harness for me to use to hold on. He picks it up in his teeth and gives it to me. Wrapping it around his shoulders I lock it and myself in place.

"Ok baby I'm ready!" I shout excited.
He wiggles seemingly to check the harness, then once he's satisfied that it will stay in place he spreads his massive gossamer like wings. They shine like stars are embedded into them.

He takes a short fast run, then jumps up, using his powerful wings he takes us into the air

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