Chapter twenty nine

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This morning started off so great, I have an amazing mate, who is working on not freaking out so much about the little things. I'm carrying twins in my little but growing belly. I slept well and woke to find my note from D. A ritual that I've missed since I started getting the creepy emails, that have weaned.

Gods I hope that is a sign he's moved on or better yet been caught!

I'm so comfy I snuggle up in the blanket for a minute, till my tummy rumbles and I giggle. "Are you ready for breakfast my little ones?" I say to my babies as I rub my belly.

So I ditch my bed and pjs, for a pair of jeggings and a loose fitting top, basically I'm in my comfy clothes. I brush my hair out and leave it down, but put a hair tie on my wrist and make my way downstairs.

My mood is happy, I even have a smile on my face. That is till I get to the kitchen and the tension in the air kills it for me.

"What's wrong?" I ask no one in particular.

Maggie looks at me and pats the empty seat next to her. "Someone broke into the apartment last night."

I look at Henry and Mel, the former who is talking with the cops I assume and the latter who is holding Janice tightly. She looks content but Maggie whispers to me that, "that look only appeared after he held her, she was freaking out."

"I don't blame her, do you think this could be my fault?" I ask the room.

"We don't know what the person wanted, the fact that they didn't take anything, not that there was much to take. Leaves us guessing as to their motives for breaking in." Henry says and gives me a sympathetic look.

The front door opens and D walks in and makes a beeline for me. "Hey baby how are you and our munchkins holding up?" He asks kissing my head while trying not to scoop me up.

"We're fine," before I can say anything else my tummy talks to the room. "We're hungry," I sigh making him laugh.

"Did you say munchkins as in plural?" Maggie asks with twinkling eyes.

"I thought dragons only had one baby at a time," Henry says looking perplexed, he seems to be on hold.

"Its rare to have more than one at a time but not unheard of," D says smiling as he goes to make me food.

"How do you know you're having two already?" Janice asks pulling out of Mel's arms a bit so she can look at us both.

"The Goddess of Flames visited my beautiful mate to tell her," D says with pride.

"She came to me in my dream to talk to me, she's very beautiful and seems really nice. I don't know I'm not explaining it right but she was the one who told me," I say a little flustered.

"Wow," Janice says with big eyes and I nod. "Does that... is that a normal occurrence for Goddesses to come to mates in dreams?" She asks Mel.

"I don't know, I mean I've never experienced any like that but I heard the moon Goddess has visited some wolves before to give guidance when asked." He says getting a pensive look on his face.

"I've heard that too, but I also haven't seen her personally," Henry shrugs then starts talking to whom ever hes on the phone with.

"So what now momma?" Janice asks looking at Henry who has walked over to the living room.

"Well I've been thinking since you'll probably be moving into your handsome mates house at some point. Via here will also needing me out here for the time being. I'm thinking of having a cottage made somewhere between your two houses so that I can visit both my girls and grandbabies I plan on seeing. So since I'm not there much right now anyway I'm thinking of selling the place. Especially now that some douche nozzle broke in to look for my underwear," She huffs.

I can't help the giggles that come out of me though I try very hard. I end up giving up as Janice laughs out right. "Omg mom trust you to make a heavy situation lighter."

Maggie winks and picks up her forgotten coffee and takes a sip.

D comes over with pancakes on a platter with fresh fruit in a bowl, "in case Via's not the only hungry one," he says kissing my temple as I load the plate he sat in front of me.

"Thanks honey," I turn and kiss him making him smile. I'm surprised that he hasn't commented on the conversation about the break in. I know he knows about it, so why no reaction?

Sensing my curiosity he whispers in my ear, "dont worry Henry's cop friends are all over this and I already flew around six times. We're going to be fine."

I don't know who he's trying to convince me or himself. I put it away for now and focus on my food.

Luckily the rest of the day is less eventful, we set up the nursery across the hall from our room. We have two cribs with two changing tables and two little dressers with lamps on each. In between them however is a single rocking recliner.

Since we still dont know the sex of our little ones the colors are neutral. I love the little mobiles, in the center is a little moon and sun with little clouds. And flying around them are little dragons.

"I saw it online and had to get them!!" I gush as we survey our handy work. The best part is that last night while I was sleeping D came in before we got started and painted clouds and dragons flying around the room. He even painted stars that glow in the dark for when the lights shut off. It's truly beautiful, and I'm so proud that he's mine!

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