Chapter fourteen

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After our very relaxing soak Darius suggested that I dress warmly as I will probably get a bit cold while flying.  Not as bad as I would have been if we hadn't finished the mating process yet, but still it's better to be safe.

I just finished getting dressed in the clothes Darius gave me when my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered on the third ring.

"Hi sweetie good morning! Have you been working on making me grand dragonlets yet?" Maggie asked with a smile in her voice.

"Omg stop it, I'm not talking about that!" I can feel my skin turning red from my neck clear up to my hairline.

"Oh my goodness YOU HAVE!! HAHAHAHA" Maggie bursts out laughing making me redder.

"Ok ..ok I'll stop, I actually did call with a purpose this morning," she says becoming serious.

"Maggie what's wrong?" I ask worried  a serious Maggie is cause for concern.

"Do you remember my daughter Janice?" She asks and I do vaguely I met her once she seemed kind like a wallflower but very nice.

"Sorta it was once and a long time ago, how's she doing? Is she ok?" I ask.

"Well that's the thing, she's on her way here to me.  She left her husband, he's been beating her." She says and I can feel her anger I mirror it.

"That asshole! How bad is she?" I ask worried for her.  Darius comes in with a worried look having heard my outburst.

"I'm not sure yet, but that's why we haven't been able to see her in so long, he's been keeping her isolated from everyone.  I swear if I ever see him again I'm going to kick his ass!" She growls out she's so pissed off.

Maggie is a fierce protector and if you should ever hurt one of her loved ones, well let's just say God may be the only one who could help you.  Even then God will probably side with her, so you'll still be fucked.

"What do you need me to do?" I ask ready to drop everything if I have to.

"Nothing dear I'm just calling to let you know shes going to be moving into my room with me," she says.

"Actually about that," I clear my throat, "since shes coming to stay and I'm a mated woman now..." I'm in the middle of saying.

"I knew it!!! YES one step closer to dragonlets!" Maggie yells excitedly and Darius chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"Maggie focus, ok since that's the case I think I should move out to make room for Janice, I'm going to miss living with you but she needs her momma's healing love," I say and Maggie hums.

"I'm going to miss having you here too, but you can't just leave your mate to fend for himself all alone," she says and I agree.

I look at Darius and he nods, "we can come by later so I can get my things," I say and Maggie sniffs.

"I'm sorry if it feels like I'm kicking you out," she starts to cry and I shush her.

"Dont be silly, I'm the one who was found by my mate, if anything see this as a blessing in disguise, now I dont have to leave you by yourself because you wont be alone," I say with a smile on my face.

"Oh stop I would be fine, I could have crazy bingo parties!" She says and I crack up laughing.

"Oh God I would walk in to find dots everywhere wouldn't I?" I laugh and she laughs with me.

"Oh yes and maybe underwear hanging from the light fixtures," she laughs.

"Eww stop it," I say grossed out.

She starts laughing and I can see Darius' shoulders shaking with repressed laughter.

"Ok we'll be by soon so I can get my stuff.  In the mean time you should make a report on her ex incase he tries to show up and cause trouble.  When Janice gets there get any wounds she has on record so you can get a restraining order as well," I say and Maggie agrees.

We stay on the phone for a few more minutes then hang up.  "So no flying today?" Darius asks and I ask if we can when we come back home.  "I love that you see this as home now," he says softly and I can see how happy it makes him.  His smile is dazzling and his eyes light up.

"You are my home now, it's wherever you are," I say smiling at him and he picks me up kissing me passionately.

"I love you Via," he says resting his forehead on mine.

"I love you too, I never believed I could fall for someone so quickly, that that only happened in stories.  Then I met you and I learned that not only is it real but it's happened to me.  You are like a dream come true," I say and he kisses me.

"Even if I snore?" He asks and I giggle.

"Yes, even if you snore and fart in your sleep," I say and he chokes out a  laugh.

"Good to know, come on let's go get your things so we can still have time to go flying when we come home," he says and we head out and get in his truck.

The drive into town is a peaceful one, we just enjoy our time together.  Soon enough we pull up infront of Maggie's. Getting out we go up to the door but it opens before I can unlock the door or knock.

"Look at you, love looks good on you sweetie," Maggie says hugging me.

"Thanks Mags," I say hugging her back.

When we let go she hugs Darius and welcomes him in. We go to my old room and start putting my things in bags while Darius takes them to put in the back seat.

I decide to leave my bed and dresser for Janice and my covers.

Once I finished getting all my things I said good bye to my room turned off the overhead light and closed the door.

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