A Possible Error of Judgement?

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Jaclyn's birthday arrives, Lily had no problems or the slightest clue of what was about to go down. Jaclyn lands in Puerto Vallarta, there's a car with Rosa and Louise waiting for her, Rosa buys her a huge bottle of Dom Perignon, although she has it altered with tequila, Jaclyn opens it, she sips from the bottle she can't believe the taste, it's something she's never tasted before, also, Rosa picks up some of the best coke that money can buy, Jaclyn is very pleased that she gave her a mixture of her favourite party drugs and booze.

The other addition to the bottle was a sedative, something that'll work slow, Jaclyn won't have any idea what's planned for her or the others. Soon car loads of members arrive, the staff at the house are run off their feet there's approximately 400 guests. Jaclyn has a thing for mariachi bands, although Rosa got her a female mariachi band. Jaclyn loved it, the other trick was, while the mariachi's were playing, they played the spell, Jaclyn was none the wiser.

Rosa gets a call, it's from Blanca, she confirmed the spell worked and Jaclyn was full human, she won't know this until the dark of the moon and that's not for another few weeks. Blanca tells Rosa that Jaclyn hasn't used her demon powers, she hasn't used her psychic powers in nearly a year. Jaclyn will be none the wiser for a while, her mother on the other hand, who has a psychic connection to her daughter doesn't feel a thing, her link is severed at the beginning of the spell. It was a simple spell for a very complex situation that's how powerful Blanca is, it's why most of Mexico know who she is.

Gang members of Mexico go to her as they believe she's more powerful than the so called Saint Jesús Malverde. Blanca is from an ancient Aztec tribe, a very powerful heritage almost as powerful as Lilith. Is this the beginning of the end for Lilith? Blanca says no, that she will fight back but more insidiously than ever before.

Rosa asks her will they create demons from the rest of the society? Blanca says, most of them have already crossed the line, there's no saving them. Lilith has transformed thousands of women, her half human daughter has been her best creation. Lilith's plan was to use her daughter's womb to create more of her bloodline but to live on earth not in what the Bible deems as hell. Lilith got lucky with Jaclyn, meeting a human man, that also had demonic blood in his veins. This is probably the reason Jaclyn doesn't talk about her father, but she does call Bernardo her dad.

We understood that Lilith wants women to be male equals, but she's lying to us in the way she's trying to achieve it.

Rosa then asks Blanca, "what do you mean they've crossed the line and there's no saving them?"

Blanca replies, "Niña me escuchan, han encontrado hombres con la misma línea de sangre que el padre de Jaclyn, han creado descendencia."

Rosa asks Blanca, "can those children be used in the fight?"

Blanca replies, "no, no los usará, están escondidos del mundo, ella ha tratado de vivir entre nosotros pacíficamente, pero lo que ha sucedido últimamente será vista como una traición a ella."

The dark moon arrives, Lily discovers her daughter's transformation, although she's still unaware that her psychic link is broken, the spell gave the illusion that she was psychically linked to her.

Lily calls Rosa, she asks, "what happened in Mexico on my daughter's birthday Rosa? Don't even try to lie to me, I'll be able to tell if you're lying to me?"

Rosa tells her everything thing that happened, leaving out the Blanca part, Lily tells her she believes her, however she mustn't see Jaclyn for a while, until she finds out exactly what happened down there.

Rosa for the first time back talks to Lily, she says, "Lily, Jaclyn is a grown woman, she decides who she sees, not you."

Lily was about to use her angry tone, then says, "Ok Rosa, you're right I can't stop her doing anything now. You're an amazing friend to her, I'll warn you though, if I find out something happened in Mexico that has permanently damaged the relationship between me and my baby girl, I will hurt you all in ways you won't ever dream of."

Rosa comes off the phone shaking, she calls Louisa, but knowing her she doesn't tell her the warning bit, it would make Louisa anxious and she would eventually tell her. The warning was like the way criminals threaten families of their cohorts. Rosa is also pissed off, we were supposed to be her priority as well, she has shown that blood is all that matters to her.

The only thing Rosa was worried about, is how she will treat Jaclyn now? Will she kill her? Will she have her changed back, even though Blanca said that would be impossible. What will she do to over 400 people that won't obey her like she used to require? Is Lily a true tyrant or is she just a pissed off mother?

Rosa calls Jaclyn, she asks her, "have you spoken with your mom yet?"

Jaclyn answers, "yes, she's gave you instructions to not contact me, until she finds out what happened in Mexico?

Rosa then asks, "well do you? Do you know what happened there?"

Jaclyn says, "of course, the band played a spell in Spanish, it's what I've wanted for a very long time, it means I won't be going back to where my mom came from when I die. You must warn your friend Blanca that my mom is on her way to her house. My mom wants her to explain her actions, then who knows what she'll do, but don't worry she won't hurt her, she's a champion for women, despite what Blanca told you, my mother wouldn't attack insidiously, I know exactly what she said, because your tattoo has a tiny little microphone in it, mom gave that chore to me, to watch over you all. Also Rosa, my mother and I are not demons or half demons or demons in practice, I know Spanish fluently, this is how I know, listening to your family over the years taught me."

Rosa says, "then why did Blanca tell me this? "To scare you away from the worlds first woman, yes she's Lilith that the Bible describes, but my mother is no demon, I've met the so called fallen angel's, they're not like how the Bible describes them either, Samael is as beautiful as they described him, he's charming, he's funny and he's loved me, I've met my moms one true love Samael, he's a gentleman. The tyrant is the 'man' that kicked his sons out of heaven because they stood up to him."

There's a silence and Rosa asks, "through the society was your mom trying to create vessels for her children that live in the so called hell?"

Jaclyn laughs, then says "Rosa, you've known my mom for many years now, she hasn't hurt one single person on this earth. My mom refused to be a subservient wife to Adam, then he rejected her, my mom didn't even love him, she wasn't given a choice, she was made for him. By a tyrant."

Rosa hangs up the phone with Jaclyn, she's now more confused.

Rosa calls Blanca, she says, "you're a liar, you've believed the patriarchal view on women since time began, Lily has been kind, she is going to confront you. I suggest you be kind to her."

Blanca says, "you're being manipulated by her daughter, I'm not even a Christian and I know that woman is evil."

Rosa says, "Blanca, Jaclyn knows everything, she always did, she isn't even angry with you, she just feels sorry for you."

Blanca angrily states, "Rosa, if you continue to believe that woman, don't contact me again, ever." Rosa hangs up.

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