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The car arrives for Louisa, her husband leads her to the back seat, kissing his wife on her hand, telling her to enjoy herself. Louisas husband has no idea of what his wife will be doing this evening, he believes it's just a meet and greet of powerful and rich women. He has no idea his wife will be initiated into a secret society.

The car heads to the plane, on the plane is Jaclyn, this surprises Louisa, she thought she would be travelling alone. Louisa greets her, "hola amiga, what are you doing here? I thought I was to travel alone?"

Jaclyn laughs, "sweet girl, I bring every new recruit personally, it's my mother's condition, this is her baby, I just nurture it."

Louisa is glad, her nerves are heightened, her anxieties too. Jaclyn is the perfect person to calm her.

Jaclyn calls for the stewardess to bring a bottle of her finest wine, the stewardess tells her, "the oldest onboard is 1923, would this suit you both?"

Jaclyn says, "how odd, that's my favourite year, that will do perfect. What do you think Louisa?"

Louisa nods, "that sounds perfect, given we'll only be on the plane about an hour, I sure hope there's decent bottles of tequila añejo at the Palacio?"

Jaclyn laughs, "you're a tequila woman? A true Mexican soul, only true Mexican souls enjoy the fruits of the agave plant."

Louisa laughs and says "haven't you heard, we're like the Russians we bleed tequila, like they bleed vodka?"

Jaclyn chuckles, "that's true." She replies.

The captain says, "fasten your seatbelts, we're taking off, the weather is perfect, we'll be in Guadalajara in in 59 minutes, don't forget to take a brolly when you leave, it's chucking it down there. Have a wonderful journey, everyone."

It's almost like the captain knew of what was to happen that night.

The flight lands, the ladies take an umbrella that's tucked in a box beside the cabin door. It was beginning to have a thunder storm, there was a car waiting at the steps to the plane. The women rush to the car, dropping the brollies outside the car. The driver, gets out and puts them in the trunk, they'll need them once they arrive at their destination.

The drive was only 26 minutes, it's becoming more wet outside, the driver gets out, opens both umbrellas and takes the ladies by the hand and leads them to the door, taking the umbrellas back with her. Louisa is nervous by this point, Jaclyn can see her scanning the room, there was a few familiar faces, the only two she knew really intimately were Jaclyn and Rosa, so she made a beeline towards her.

Jaclyn grabs her by the arm, whispering in her ear, "Rosa is busy entertaining, you'll see her at the end of the evening, you stay here with me, until the society is prepared for you and the others."

Louisa becomes more anxious, she asks for a double tequila, a servant brings her two glasses of tequila, Louisa knocks them back one after the other. Louisa begins to calm.

A lady approaches Jaclyn, she tells her that everything is prepared, she comes with a silver tray, on the tray is a blindfold, Jaclyn puts it on Louisa, she says now we're ready for stage one. Louisa is lead through a courtyard, to a set of stairs, Jaclyn in her haste didn't apply the blindfold correctly. Louisa can see the steps, her feet, masked women, burning torches along the route. Louisa is led to the room for stage one to begin.

Louisa is having her clothes removed, she can see a masked woman sat on a throne, the woman says. "Louisa Carillo Ramírez, why are you here?"

"I want to be a part of something beautiful, women exclusively" Answers Louisa. "Great answer Mrs Ramírez, please kneel before me".

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