A Power Struggle.

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The past few days have been a rollercoaster. Rosa is rested, she comes down and sees Gabi and Jaclyn having breakfast. Gabi says good morning to Rosa and hands her an envelope. Gabi tells her to open it. Rosa opens it, it's DNA results, Gabi had the sperm she used all those years ago tested, she done this personally, so that Rosa will believe her. The results matched the man that she and Lily chosen all those years ago. Gabi went to his house, she asked him for his sperm, he was hesitant at first thinking that Gabi wanted money, but by proving she doesn't need it. The clinic was chosen in private, no one knew what clinic she used, she gave the results to Rosa who saw that it wasn't Samael that created the babies. It's now giving Rosa some peace of mind. Rosa decides to get back to work, this pleases Lily. Rosa is back to her usual chirpy self. Lily tells everyone that Joslin and Jannelle are coming for a while. Gabi wants to spend time with her children and grandchildren.

The months fly by, Rosa is almost ready to give birth. Rosa can feel her babies powers growing inside of her. Rosa is finally excited to meet them. Rosa is at work, she's at her desk and she gets a twinge, she looks at the date on the calendar, it's May 15th, it's the first time in months she feels that she's been fed bullshit, she knows the babies are arriving today. Rosa calls in her secretary, as she comes running in, Rosa's waters break, they call for an ambulance and Rosa heads to the hospital, she wants Jaclyn there, she was there the day they were created, it's only right she can see the birth.

This makes Lily pleased, Rosa tells Jaclyn, "just because we are watching these babies being born, it doesn't change anything, I still love you Jac, but we can't be together as a couple, we can as a family."

Jaclyn smiles, she says, "I'll be happy with that, mom and Gabi will be pleased for us."

They arrive at the hospital, the neonatal unit is ready, there's three cots, three of everything. The doctors decide that Rosa will need a C-Section as baby number three is breech blocking the birth canal. Rosa is wheeled straight into theatre. They prep her for surgery and Jaclyn is finally allowed in. The baby A is out first, she weighs 5lb, then baby B, she weighs the same but baby C is deep down in the birth canal, she finally comes out, she weighs 5lb as well. Jaclyn cuts their cords, she takes one baby at a time and shows them to Rosa. Rosa sees her beautiful girls, she decides to carry on the J names. Baby A is named Jaclyn, baby B is named Jasmine, baby C is named Jennifer. Rosa is taken to recovery and the babies are taken to the nursery. Rosa sleeps better than she has for months, the babies are being looked after by the midwives.

Rosa finally woke up, the midwives and Jaclyn bring the babies to her. Rosa is taught to feed one at a time, then two at once. Rosa senses her babies powers with every suckle. Lily and Gabi arrive at the hospital, Lily lifts up Jennifer, she feels a power surge from her, something she is excited about. The girls all emitted so much power that Lily knew this bloodline will help her find her own children.

Lily said something that intrigued her, it completely changed her thoughts on what she believed all these years. That book she read in school and at home was full of lies. The man that called himself 'God' was indeed a sorcerer, then the book that was wrote was a guide on torturing supernatural beings. Now Rosa's babies were supernatural, she will do all in her power to keep them safe.

Rosa finally got the all clear to go home. The house was decorated in balloons, banners and full of people. Rosa of course just wanted to sleep, so Jaclyn took the babies to give their mom rest. Rosa was surprised that the room was decorated with a triple crib, named bedding, piles of toys and clothes for each. Rosa climbed into bed, she hugged her duvet and fell fast asleep. Jaclyn brought the babies to their room, they were hungry, Rosa wakes up she takes Jaclyn first, then Jasmine, while feeding Jasmine she takes Jennifer and feeds them both. Jaclyn changes the diapers and puts them down to sleep and Rosa asks Jaclyn to get into bed with her and cuddle her. The hormones were making Rosa a little emotional. Jaclyn hugged her tight, they snuggled up until the babies woke them up.

Though the couple were not together anymore, they still resigned themselves to being great parents. Lily gave Rosa as much space as possible, Rosa needed to learn how to harness their powers. Jennifer was already displaying her gift, she could alter her blanket if she was cold or hot, Jasmine could turn on and off the lights, Jaclyn's power wasn't evident yet, but Lily believes she's a psychic. All three babies had a glowing aura around them, all shining bright lights. Rosa started to receive calls from her mother and the rest of her family begging her to leave Lily's house and take the babies.

Rosa firmly told her mother, "mom, I've been fed lies by Blanca, a priest and of course abuelita. I've been fed lies for a while mom, I've had nothing but love care and attention from Lily. Lily has even brought Gabrielle here."

Her mom replies, "Gabi is there with the girls?" Rosa answers, "yes, Jaclyn, Joslin and Jannelle are here mom, they're happy and beautiful women, you know Jaclyn, you've never met Jannelle or Joslin, all three beautiful and intelligent women. They assure me, I've been fed lies."

Rosa is angry she says, "you're crazy, you've believed lies from a book, a book that has been changed so much, whitewashing Lily and the true stories of those times, I believe in them before that stupid book."

Her mom says, "believe what you like, I will believe my God and the Bible." Rosa hangs the phone up.

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