A Baby Named Samael

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The couple and the baby come home, he's not yet been given a name, that's a chore for the girls. They all had girl names, they hadn't thought of boy names, so they head to their rooms and put names into a jar. Rosa and Zak head to their room with the baby, they feed him and settle him and go down and grab a bite to eat. The girls bring down a jar of names, they suggest Lily and Gabi pick it?

Then Lily says, "I'll shall leave that task to my darling wife, I'm not being blamed for giving this boy an awful name."

They all laugh. Gabi asks Rosa and Zakina are they ready to name their boy? They both say yes, she dips her hand in the jar, she takes two at once, then it slips back in, she opens up the piece of paper and she says are you ready?

They say, "come on, spit it out. What's the name?"

Gabi shows Lily first she laughs and says, "he shall be called Samael."

Zakina asks if they're being serious? Lily says "nope baby girl, why?"

Zakina bursts out laughing, saying, "our little boy is going to have trouble when he goes to school. Samael it is then." Suddenly Samael appears in the mirror, "you called he said."

They all laugh saying "no, our new son will be named after you."

Samael laughs, "he's not the first and won't be the last. There's many children out there with my name, they've yet to name one Satan."

They all laugh. He asks where is his namesake? They say he's asleep, he says, I'll look at him before I leave. Thanks girls for thinking of me."

Samael comes back to the living room mirror and says, "he's beautiful, a shining light, I think his middle name should be Morningstar?"

They all agree. He then says to the girls "I hope you didn't add that charlatan Jesus in there?"

They replied, "we don't know what names are in that jar, it might be?"

Jasmine says, "i put it in there." This makes Samael laugh so hard, "he didn't get picked, besides there's too many Latinos with his name, we don't need another one." He chuckled and says his goodbyes and that he'll come with gifts for his namesake soon.

Since becoming human, Zakina and Lily have been kept out of the politics of below. Zakina however has kept her ear to the ground, saying there's a huge battle between all the angels and the offsprings of the inhabitants of below. Azekial is leading the charge, he resurrected Ozriel, Patrial and Hazel, but they're under strict instructions not to bother their sister. They of course are their fathers sycophants and they'll do as he says, but they won't listen Samael who warns them if they bother her or her family he'll kill them permanently.

They know the threat from Samael is real, their father doesn't have his powers to stop him. They ask to see their mother and she declines, telling them, they're soulless and no longer my responsibility. They're jealous Zakina always gets what she wants, a soul, a wife and a family. Gifts not given from Samael but his father.

Lily and Zakina are at his mercy. Zakina doesn't have her powers anymore should her siblings come for a fight, but she does still have her strength. So, upon hearing this news, Lily asks that the child be christened, it's unprecedented but the boy needs protection from those relations. Zakina says no at first but she is persuaded by her mother. The family organise a christening, even Lucifer agrees this is the only way, Zakinas siblings only escape their prison via possession, the only way to save him is to protect his soul. Rosa contacts the local priest. They arrange for a christening to take place the following Sunday.

The day of the christening arrives, Zakina was at first afraid to go inside the church, but she knew she was being stupid. They head inside, they sit saying prayers of course the only ones to know them are Rosa and Gabi, they were brought up in the church.

They bring the baby to the baptismal font, the priest asks, "what is this child to be named?" Rosa and Zakina say, "Samael Morningstar."

The priest says "you can't name him that!" Lily stands up and says, I'm the child's grandmother, from what I know about your teachings, "Samael Morningstar was his angelic name before the world confused with him Satan, he's getting an angelic name and in our eyes, this baby is our angel."

The priest is reluctant, but agrees with Lily. He continues with the baptism. None of Zakinas siblings can possess him, they will try with the girls but they'll get more than they bargained for.

Upon leaving the church the priest calls Lily, he recognises her, he says, "you're her aren't you? Adams first wife?"

Lily unable to lie anymore says, "I am, I am now human, a gift from your 'God' say a prayer and thank him for me, I don't think he's listening to me."

The priest looks as though he's seen a ghost.

He says to himself, "if I inform the church about this day, none will believe me, given the amount of people given the name Samael throughout the ages."

The christening went off without a hitch except for the priests horror. If it wasn't in the US other countries have the name banned, now see why Samael is the loving one, Azekial the angel of hatred, yet his father treated Samael worse. Lily has always stated, all of them can be redeemed, 'God' can be fickle though, he sees some worse than others.

Samael wants to have a sit down with his father, he wants to sort things out, but the old man is stubborn and doesn't have it in him to rehash history. One day he will according to Lily, he'll see that the men he created in his image are mean, they've done worse than vanity and pride. Lily fully believes it'll happen before the book declared that it would take place on Judgement day.

Lily often wonders is the old man fading? Samael says "no, I still feel him, he's just waiting on something bigger to happen. If he gave Lily and Zakina souls, he's changing in his old age. I shan't push him. I'll do the job he gave me, until he comes and brings me home."

Lily has often asked him, "even after all these years would he go home?" He replies, "yes, yes I would I miss my brothers, not all of them but some of them, even that whelp Michael."

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