For Once Genuine Happiness.

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The years go by, the girls grow, their powers grow with them. Lily hasn't seen Azekial in over 10 years, the girls show their mom how Lily has changed by visions, she's truly a better woman. Jaclyn, Joslin and Jannelle bonded in ways that were denied to them for years. The other triple J's, are a force to be reckoned with. They keep Lily in check and they tell uncle Samael that they read the book about him at school.

He laughs and tells them, "I'll tell you the real story one day," they look at him and say, "we know it's all BS, you've been there for our mom and you've kept that moron Azekial at bay. I know he's your brother and all, but honestly he's an idiot. Auntie Lily is being good without him around, he was a bad influence on her."

Samael laughs and says, "I'm supposed to be the one that is the bad influence, yet the innocent of the earth love me. Thanks girls, I love you too." Rosa asks Blanca to come onboard, she declines at first, then the girls convince her. Soon the entire female side of the family is a member. It's time for the senior J's to get to know their real family. People they never met before, that was all Lily's doing.

The society's birthday coincides with the birth of Rosa's children, so Lily decides that Jaclyn should organise a day for the members, their families and the girls. The girls want a trampoline day, all three although identical have interests in different sports. Jaclyn loves gymnastics, Jasmine likes dressage and Jennifer is into all martial arts. Jasmine invites all her dressage friends to see her horses, Jennifer invites all her gymnastics friends and Jennifer invites her entire dojo. The gardens of the vast estate is full of children and teenagers. The parents sit separately drinking the finest wine and champagne. The girls received a mountain load of gifts, Lily and the board gets gifts in the form of funding, Lily donates every penny to a local hospital, a hospital where the poorest of society go for medical treatment.

Most of those children have terminal illnesses, Jasmine overheard this, she asks to be taken to the hospital. Jasmine has a plan to heal the terminal.

Blanca says, "this is a fabulous idea, it'll show us how powerful she really is."

No sooner had Jasmine said this, Blanca takes her to the hospital, Jasmine goes from room to room, healing each child, Blanca keeps an eye on test results and sees the children are no longer terminal. Their parents are amazed. Most of those children were at deaths door. Blanca tells Jaclyn and Rosa, they're delighted at how she thought of others on her birthday and took time out to help them. Jennifer and Jaclyn have fun with their friends on the huge trampoline unit brought in for their birthday. Then they head to the stables they all take out the horses and ride around the grounds.

While the girls are with their friends, Rosa, Jaclyn, Lily, Blanca and Gabi meet with the women that were invited. They were asked for feedback on the new rules and how the society is being ran? One woman, a prominent senator asks for some funding to help women escape abusive husbands and boyfriends. Lily who knows the society's coffers financial capital extremely well, assigns $50m to set up safe houses around the country for these women to get away from the men that have abused them. One other woman, a Hollywood actress is delighted that the initiation process stops using sex as part of the initiation, however she would like a safe space for women to meet and make love with other women without having to meet people online for no strings arrangements.

Lily tells her, "we have a huge unused property just outside of LA, it'll have the latest security, people will not know who knows who's there and who's not out as gay or bi."

The woman thanks her. The rest of the feedback is really great, everyone believes the new rules and regulations are far better. This pleases the whole board. Lily suggests it's time for the girls cake. They head out to the grounds where there's a massive gazebo, the girls and their friends congregate to blow out the candles. The girls day was a major success.

As people leave, the final guest is sat by the fire when the ladies and the children come inside, the girls drop their things on the floor and run towards the chair, uncle Sami is here, they bellow. Blanca still can't trust him so she heads to the annex outside.

Samael says, "i see the old lady doesn't trust me as yet?"

The girls reply in unison, "oh come on, she's been blinded by that religious book about you? She'll see what we see soon enough."

Samael says, "girls, it doesn't matter what she thinks, all that matters is you three love me, like I love you. I have something very special for you?"

The girls are excited, he gives them a box, in the box it has bracelets, each has charms for everyday of their lives, he also promised them once they were old enough he can see his wings. People always assumed that his wings were clipped and to a degree they were, but he could still be the Phoenix they wished to see. Samael undoes his shirt, he bows his head and two huge black wings appear on his back.

The girls are mesmerised. Gabi quips, "damn, that's hot, can I touch them?"

Samael says, "sure." He then whispers, "I can't say this in front of the children, but I have something else you can touch?"

Gabi blushes, "oh Samael, once there's no prying eyes, you can fly me upstairs and let me see what you have to offer."

Sami says, "oh I have a lot." He winks at her and says, "right, let's eat some of that delicious cake and someone give me a glass of champagne to wash it down, I've business to attend to." Everyone laughs.

Lily is a tad envious, but she knows that deep down that Samael loves her dearly.

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