Its a Boy.

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Two weeks pass, the women spend most of their honeymoon in bed. The time has come to an end they must go home, they have the girls to see to. All four women are home, the girls rush to their mothers, Gabi and Lily call their girls, they arrive to the house to regaled about their travels. Not that they done much, they spent most of their time in bed making love. All four are insatiable. Lily calls a meeting with Rosa, Zakina and Gabi, they need to discuss what they found in the museum in Cairo.

The book contained the secrets of the damned. Zakina and Lily we're given a chance as humans because of the pure love they have displayed.

Zakina says, "if this book is the truth, then uncle Sami should get a chance, he's done nothing but good?"

Lily says, "sadly it doesn't mention him, but I highly doubt that he would want to be human?"

Zakina says, "sorry mom, but Sami should know this, I'm calling him and telling him."

Lily says, "as you wish, you'll soon get an answer." Zakina summons Samael, "he says, hello doll face, did you both have an amazing sexual time?"

Zakina says, "stop, I can't talk about this with you, to answer you though, we did. However, that's not why I called you, mom found a book in Cairo, it talks about the damned and how they can become human."

Samael states, "I know which book you mean, your mom hid it there centuries ago, unfortunately baby girl, it doesn't apply to me. Father dearest has damned me for eternity."

Zakina says, "thats unfair," shouting towards the sky.

Zakina asks, "I know the bastard tried to ruin my wedding but, how's my dad?"

Samael says, "he's fine, he's calmer and he now has a new legion to train, he's at his best when he is welding a sword." Zakina says, "give him my love and tell him that his new daughter in law forgives him."

Samael says, "I will darling, enjoy married life. I predict new lives in this home."

Zakina hasn't ever gave birth, of course Lily has, but her children were soulless, they didn't get the right to procreate. Zakina did mention on honeymoon about the prospect of becoming a mother. Rosa says she would make a great mom, seeing how she is with the girls.

They beg their mom for new siblings. Zakina and Rosa hunt for a donor. Although firstly they must find out if her womb is viable. They go to a clinic, the doctors tells her, that her womb is in perfect condition, should she try in a few weeks, she can become a mom. They find a donor, he's perfect, that perfect he looks a little like both of them.

Zakina has the man meet them in a hotel, he puts his sperm into a little cup. The ladies acquire the right syringe for fertilisation, Rosa pumps some of the sperm inside the syringe, she inserts her fingers arousing Zak, she asks her is she ready, Zak nods and she squirts the fluid inside of her. They lie on the bed kissing, cuddling and making plans for their future. They wait a few weeks to see if the sperm takes. The three weeks pass, Zakina would be due a period, but it doesn't come, Rosa goes and buys her a test. They get the girls bathed and in bed, they have a hot bath themselves, then they take the test. The three minutes pass slowly, Zakina says she can't stand it, she goes and sit's on their bed. The alarm they set goes off, Zakina asks Rosa to fetch it. Rosa goes to the bathroom and the test is positive, she hides her delight, she asks Zakina to open her hands, she lays the test in her hands and the smile from her wife's face is so wide she can't believe it.

Rosa and Zakina promise they won't tell anyone until they get past the fearful period. On their 12 week scan, they tell everyone, they gather the family at breakfast and under each plate is a picture of their baby, the girls are excited to be getting a little brother or sister.

Lily is excited to become a grandmother. The good thing about the girls being teenagers, they can help their moms in taking care of the baby when it arrives. Zakina is very worried, Rosa reassured her that this is normal, she's being a protective mother. This is also the first morning she experiences sickness, she's never been sick since her birth 2000 years ago.

Zakina is also worried about being sick but Rosa tells her this is completely normal. Rosa says it was worse for her since she carried three babies, it was triple the hormones. It's the first time since becoming human that she's actually felt human. Lily doesn't want to try and get pregnant, but Gabi would love for her to, she tries to convince her, she tells Gabi that she'll think about it. She tells her, that once my grandchild arrives safe, we'll see if my womb is as viable as Zak's. This pleases Gabi.

The months fly by, it's like time sped up, Zakina is large, she can barely move. Her breasts are sore, her back is sore and she's a little grumpy, but it's because she's not slept properly, as much as she loves being pregnant she wants the baby out. Since it's almost her due date,

Lily calls her surgeon friend to book Zakina in for a C-Section. The friend agrees, Zakina and Rosa make their way to her clinic. Neither Rosa or Zak know the sex of the baby, they didn't want to know. Zakina doesn't want a C-Section, she wants a natural birth, so she's given a solution to dilute her cervix, within an hour her waters break, the labour is quite fast, soon her contractions are a minute apart, then the head can be seen, it's a head of dark hair, Zakina is urged to push, one large push and the baby is out. It's a boy, a beautiful baby boy. The boy is a healthy weight, he's 7lb 7ozs, he is very healthy. The nurses clean him off, then bring him to his mother, she is encouraged to feed him straight away, he does. He latched on straight away, he's feeding well. The smile can't be wiped off Zakinas face, the nurses suggest that only Zak and Rosa are in the room with him for right now, so he gets to know his mothers scent. The nurse suggests that Rosa has skin to skin contact with him too and if she wishes, she has a pill that can help her milk come in.

Rosa asks Zakina, who "says of course, you're his mother too, why not?" The pills will take a while to work but the more he suckles from Rosa, the quicker the pills work and the milk comes in. The baby roots towards Rosa's breasts, she allows him to suckle, when he stops his mouth has milk on his lips.

Rosa asks the nurse, "does it work that fast?" The nurse says, "it'll be hormones while Zakina was pregnant building up, it's possible that the milk was already forming?"

Zakina says, "well, at least you can now get up in the night to feed him."

Rosa smiles, "this brings back memories." Rosa hands their son back to Zakina, who feeds him, she is tired, so Rosa changes his diaper, cuddles him and lets him and Zakina sleep.

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