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The night of Jaclyn and Veronicas date arrive, Lily, Zakina and the entire compound clears out for the evening. The compound has secret cameras and bugs all over it. Meaning each word will be heard. Veronica hires a nurse for her mother, but she has a diabolical plan afoot. Jaclyn has the best food prepared, the best in everything, it's quite the luxury that Veronica has never had. Jaclyn asks her to wait in the solarium, while she prepares the dining room for their meal.

Jaclyn for the first time in a long time cooks, she is in the kitchen over a hot stove, while Veronica is snooping all over the house, Jaclyn gets notifications on her phone where the cameras are placed, Veronica is now in the study, she's going through the books, she took a couple of books from the shelves, she places something that can only be described as a plastic container with wires.

Veronica places the books back, not knowing she's being watched, Jaclyn texts Lily. Lily tells her to call Veronica to the dining room, to talk about her mom and ask her why she contacted her? Lily proceeds to contact the compounds security team, she orders them to check out the study. While Jaclyn and Veronica are far away from that room, Veronica doesn't hear the team removing the device. One of the team was an explosives expert while in the army, she said the device was viable and it would've probably taken out the whole building and it's inhabitants. The team defuse it, Jaclyn and Veronica continue the evening.

Jaclyn gets Veronica talking about her mother, she believes that she can tell her anything as none of them will survive past midnight as that is when the bomb was timed to explode.

Veronica says, "Jaclyn, i honed in on you as soon as I saw you, because your friends destroyed my mother, I wanted to get close to you, I wanted to get inside this compound to destroy it and it's inhabitants." Jaclyn says, "well, we knew this Veronica. The bomb you planted was found by our security team, it's been defused, but you are not leaving here because you don't know the full story and Lily is on her way home to show you the evidence of what happened to your mother, it was by her own hand."

Veronica angrily states, "this is lies, my mother wouldn't have caused ever lasting damage to herself. The state she is now in is medical, it's got nothing to do with the hocus pocus that this society gets involved with."

Jaclyn says, "sorry, but that's not the truth. You'll have the evidence in less than five minutes, Lily is just passing security, you're going to have a very rude awakening. The saddest part of all this Vera, I liked you."

Veronica replies, "don't call me Vera, my name is Veronica, Vera is reserved for friends, you don't meet that criteria anymore."

Lily walks in and Veronica is looking at her like she wants to scratch her eyes out. However she sits while Lily gets out all the evidence of Mina's involvement with magick that exists but shouldn't exist. Veronica is made to watch tape after tape of her mother trying to raise her dead husband, a man that she killed herself, a man she experimented on to try and achieve her goal in necromancy.

Veronica was dismissive at first, then she concludes that Lily and Jaclyn are being truthful. Veronica apologises for planting the bomb for her vengeance against something she didn't understand.

Lily kneels down in front of a crying Veronica, she takes her hand, she says, "darling girl, I watched you be born, your mother got severe postpartum after she had you, she came to me for help, I helped her get over it. Once your mother seen how we helped her, she begged us to let her learn magick, then she discovered there was a darkness in some of it. Then one evening she brought your father here, she injected him with Lily of The Valley straight into his heart. This spell would require your father to be dead for at least 6 minutes before she could use the resurrection spell. She tried and failed.

Your mother wasn't a skilled witch, she truly never understood it. She used your poor father as a guinea pig, he died in the study where you planted that bomb. As you witnessed, all of us tried in vain to revive him. We even called in our closest ally, who had the power of resurrection but he said it was too late. I'm so sorry Veronica. Your mother became ill as a consequence of her own actions, not ours."

Veronica wipes her face, she sees that it wasn't the society's fault, her mother had lied to her for years. Making her feel hatred for people she didn't know. Lily says, "I forgive you for trying kill us, I hope now that you'll find peace? I would also suggest you forgive your mother?"

Veronica looks up, she says, "I can't forgive her for killing my father, there's no justification for it. I am sorry for my treachery and I hope that you'll all understand, how much my mind was twisted by a very ill woman about you and the society."

Lily puts her hand on her shoulder and says, "don't worry about it, we have kept evidence of every member, every person that has walked into our group, we do this for episodes like this, you're not the first, nor will you be the last to seek vengeance for things you don't understand. You're forgiven. It's now up to Jaclyn where she stands with you. We all know how much she likes you."

Veronica looks towards Jaclyn and she asks, "do you forgive me?"

Jaclyn replies, "i forgive you, but it may take a while for me to trust you."

Veronica says, "very well, am I free to leave. I have links to sever."

Lily hugs Veronica, who again is crying, telling her to forgive her mother. Veronica promises that she'll think about it.

Jaclyn sees Veronica to the door, Veronica asks her to see her again, Jaclyn says, "V, you've just tried to blow up my home and my family. There's kids that live here. If I want to see you, I'll let you know via text. Take care of yourself."

Jaclyn closes the door, she slides down it in tears, asking herself "why do I always fall for the wrong ones?"

Lily calls Jaclyn to her side, "little one, my beautiful girl, I feel Veronica is the one for you, forgive her and move on from this, understand her anger and stupidity, the child simply had no clue of the truth. Now she does."

Jaclyn goes to bed, thinking that her new lover wanted to blow her home up and it's inhabitants because she misunderstood her mother's illness. Jaclyn promises herself that she'll try and forgive her.

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