Sex, Lies and DNA tests.

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The society was growing, to the point it even reached national news. The society of course stayed silent, to acknowledge would confirm its existence. Given its name, the church would have serious issues with it, they would try and infiltrate it. The one thing that bothered Louisa was some of the conversations she had with Jaclyn about it's foundation and the drinking of blood, something she now craves on a daily basis. This wasn't something that Jaclyn or Rosa spoke about. It even made her believe that the ritual turned her into a vampire, of course that wasn't true, however it made her want to research Jaclyn's mother.

Louisa called Rosa, she asked, "are we vampires now?"

Rosa laughed, she said "no, but we do crave blood especially when the women involved are in the midst of a cycle? We don't have fangs, I'm just unsure why we crave blood?"

Louisa asks, "what's Jaclyn's moms name? I've never heard her mention it?" Rosa asks why?

"Well Rosa, think of our cravings now, think of all the conversations, Jaclyn told you that she created the society, but she told me her mother created it, she also said that due to its name it's possibly old?"

Hmmm... says Rosa, "that does concern me, her mothers name is Lily DuPont, my mother and her are good friends, if you want me to do some digging, I will? Since you're new, Jaclyn will see this as suspicious also, she's very perceptive it's like she can read your mind?"

Louisa says, "yes, thank you. I'll also do some digging."

Louisa then continues, "if she's old as the name suggests, then why hide it from members?"

"Ok, I agree Louisa, it seems strange, but don't let Jaclyn find out." Says Rosa.

Louisa states. "Don't worry, I'll find out without alerting her."

After months of digging they almost come up empty handed, until they meet an ex member. The ex member was kicked out for digging up info on the DuPont's as well, she discovered that there's no information on Lily DuPont beyond a birth certificate, which stated she was born in 1955, to Evan and Misha DuPont.

At first this would seem like she was adopted, but, the ex member is FBI with vast resources at her disposal and declared her birth certificate a forgery. "The only real birth certificate was that of Jaclyn, it said she gave birth to Jaclyn. Although the DNA test was inconclusive, Lily was married to a man named Bernardo Di Succi, she never took his name, he is not Jaclyn's father, Bernardo didn't take on Jaclyn as his own and he disappeared in 1985. Lily then moved in a woman at the end of 1985 around Christmas time, she never followed up on her husband's disappearance, it was like she didn't care. Jaclyn never had a boyfriend, in fact once she tried to date a boy and her mother scared him off. The girl she moved in still lives with her, although they're not a couple anymore. Their whole existence is either a fabrication or it's a mixture of truth and lies? The best part is, there was an Evan and Misha DuPont, they were very wealthy, they disappeared around 1965, her husband too was also very wealthy, in fact he was a billionaire when they met. I feel they created the society, to link themselves to the rich and shameless of this world? Although I can't prove this. They've also lied about the world not knowing that they truly exist, I approached my local priest, he told me he had heard of it, although never seen any evidence of its existence. So, in my opinion there's a reason other than what happens there why they don't want the entire world to know. I know there's been secret societies all across the world, none is more security conscious as this one? They know absolutely everything about you, right down to the knickers you wear everyday and breakfast you've had that morning how? I'm FBI I've never seen one person staking out my place, or that my devices have been tapped? It's like they can read your mind?"

Denise the ex member, warns Rosa and Louisa to be careful, there's something amiss with those two, "when I was kicked out, I was taken to a clinic, my tattoo was removed, the scaring is that fine you can barely see it. I thought they were taking me out to the desert and kill me. I wasn't allowed to speak with members who I made close friends with either. They told me that if I ever discussed what I know with anyone, my family would be killed. They took me themselves, it wasn't their lackeys, it was Jaclyn and Lily. It was like they were sending me some kind of message. Oh and if anything happens to me, I have a journal detailing everything, there's copies in many lawyers offices across the world, as soon as my death happens, it'll be released. I suggest you ladies do the same."

Louisa and Rosa look at each other and nod in agreement. The ladies part ways, Jaclyn wants to see Rosa but Rosa tells her, I need to go and see my grandparents for their anniversary in Mexico, we'll meet up when I get back?

Jaclyn says, "ok sweet girl, have a wonderful time."

Louisa thinks it's not a coincidence that she called straight after Denise takes her leave. Rosa agrees. While in Mexico, Louisa calls Rosa, she says that Denise isn't taking her calls. Rosa tells her that she might have gone back into hiding? Louisa thinks something might've happened to her, but Rosa tells her, that once Denise's evidence hits national news, then we'll know what's happened to her? Then Rosa has an idea, her grandmother is a witch, she can always tell if someone is bad or good and she's never been wrong, so I'll invite her? Louisa doesn't think it's a good idea, but if it gets to the truth, then all the better.

Rosa calls Jaclyn back, she invites her to come with but she declines saying she's busy, Louisa says, see Denise is right, it's like she can read your mind? Well, I have items she's bought me, I've got pictures, I'll have her look at them?

Louisa says, "ok, I also know a lady in Nayarit, if you can get the stuff to her, half of Mexico go and see her she's that accurate?"

Rosa says, send me the details, I'll go when I'm there."

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