Changing Hearts and Minds.

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Lily calls Rosa for a lunch meeting, Rosa agrees, it's at Lily's favourite restaurant. Rosa nervously walks in, Lily is sat at her favourite table, she ordered a huge bottle of tequila, then asks Rosa what would she like to eat?

Rosa says, "if they have some Caesar salad, I'll have that?"

Rosa curiously asks, "Lily, I know exactly who you are now, Jaclyn explained everything, I'm sorry for my part in Mexico, Louisa is afraid to meet you."

Lily laughs, "that Blanca woman has had it in for me, for decades, I met her years ago while travelling your homeland, I love everything Aztec, they're not the perfect tribe that the history books would have you believe, like every human they've hurt people, it was the era, where people killed for land and power, you see Rosa, this is why I never bowed down to Adam. All I ever wanted to be his equal, of course I never loved him, I was simply just a creation for him, to make babies. My one true love was and always will be Samael."

Lily continues, "that's why I started the society for women alone, I just want women to be free, I'm not a demon. Yes, I have powers, it was wrong of me to create a ritual where you craved human blood, i done it for a reason though."

Rosa asks, "and what reason is that?"

"To get the attention to the bastard that wanted to control me, from birth to death. People are naturally rebellious, he can't stand that we think for ourselves. He even kicked out his own sons because they didn't agree with his philosophy, they're some of the most brilliant men I know, Jaclyn loves them, they love her. Think about it, if they were so evil, why are they capable of love and it's not just an illusion, I could read their hearts, they have cared more about humanity, than the so called 'man' that created them."

Rosa begins to cry, Lily puts her arms around her, she says, "sweet girl, you're like my daughter, if you would start trusting me, I'll take you to meet them?"

Rosa asks, "who, Samael/lucifer the actual devil?"

Lily laughs, "Rosa he's anything but a devil, he's kind, he's gentle and shows more compassion than his own father. Have you read all the so called sins that you must not do?"

Rosa says, "yes, I was brought up Catholic, they do seem like he doesn't want you to enjoy life?"

Lily smiles then says, "see, yet it's me who's the tyrant because I want women to be on the same equal footing as men. Think about this too, they even try to control our bodies, making us have sex with men that we don't like, making us keep their offspring we don't want, no protection while having sex, to cover up. Men have had it too good for too many years, that's why I came back to earth, not to create a legion of demons, I have enough internal demons, I am here to save women from men, including that bastard in the clouds."

Rosa and Lily finish their meal, as they part, Lily says, "next month, it's the anniversary of the battle in heaven, basically it's Samaels freedom day as he calls it, he wants to meet all of the women from the society, this happens once every 50 years, he comes to earth for a week, he bathes in the sun, he drinks and eats and makes love, if he's a devil from what I hear, he's a devil in bed."

They both laugh. Then as Rosa begins to walk off, Lily says, "I've seen Blanca and don't worry she's fine, I've encouraged her to join us, she's coming to the anniversary party, she has stated she wants to see him for herself and also, I'm sure you've noticed by now, you're no longer craving blood? Well I've changed the ritual, you'll be carrying on with your own free will, oh and one other thing tell my daughter you're in love with her, I can feel it and so can she, then finally she can be happy."

Rosa blushes, "oh, I keep forgetting you read minds, I'll tell her when we meet this weekend."

They kiss each other on the cheek and they part ways. Rosa calls Blanca, who answers, Rosa tells her, I'll see you at the anniversary party.

Blanca says, "I'm sorry for dropping the cloaking spell I was angry when you believed Lily over me, but I firmly believe in Lily now, she let me into her head and she's not lying. It was all a misunderstanding."

Rosa is surprised by Blanca's new change in attitude.

She asks herself, "is it real or has Lily got into her head and changed her?"

Rosa tells Blanca, "I'll see when the anniversary party takes place."

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