Just Tell Her!

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The long awaited party arrives, only selected members, Lily, Jaclyn and selected guests arrive, including Blanca. They arrive at Lily's vast mansion, it's packed with people, from staff to the guest list. Those on the guest list are called into a room, it has three huge thrones almost identical to the Queen of England's, there's masked women at each entrance point, keeping out the staff, keeping out people that weren't on the guest list for this particular room. There's a music system playing a chant, in a language that would only be knew by the likes of Lily and her inner circle, on the thrones appear Lily, Samael. Lily and Samael exchange flirty looks, you could sense the sexual chemistry from where they were standing, then Lily takes herself to the dais, she introduces her special guest, once she said Samael the room gasped. The women swooned at their feet. Samael was as beautiful as described, Lily offered him the dais, his voice was smooth, his vocabulary effortless, his smile was engaging and each syllable uttered, he shone like a star.

ÑThe whole room mesmerised. He says, "ladies, my good friend and confidant Lilith created this group for you, my father never saw you equal to the men of your species, this was some of the arguments I had with him before he kicked me out, my father has a huge ego, i laugh when I read the Bible, they would say that I wanted to take over. I only wanted a place by his side, he wouldn't allow it, the Bible would tell you I was his favourite, his most beautiful creation, all of us were. They would say i rebelled because he picked humanity over his sons, this is a lie, I watched humanity and saw what a flawed species you were, but I loved that about you, I never craved perfection. You only have to read the Bible and see who really wanted perfection. It wasn't me. My father I know deep down still loves me, like he loves you, but he is too egotistical to acknowledge that his pride is allowing earth to burn. The famine, drought, wars and pestilence. Yet it is i who gets the blame. I still love the old man, so do all of us that he condemned to hell. The only ones that hate him is the demons, which I understand, it was he who created them that way. Had he gave them souls, they would forgive him, like we have. I thank you all for coming tonight, enjoy the festivities and I'll let my baby brother speak, over to you Azekial."

Azekial confirmed all that Samael said as truth, he says, "thank you my darling Lily for this moment tonight, thank you for being honest, thank you for trying create equality on this earth. As a man, I am happy to stand by your sides, never above you, you're as important as the next. If my father was truly a decent man, he wouldn't allow for all the pain and suffering but alas my big brother Sami gets the blame for everything. The Bible has everything backwards, they sent a man called Jesus around 2000 years ago, he tried to create the same equality, but the idiots that followed him, changed his words, they made them fit to make out that we are the bad guys. None of us are free of sin, even a newborn baby is born with sin, it's far too much for everyone to live up to, which is why I am glad that my beautiful Lily is on earth, putting herself and her daughter at risk to help you. All I'm saying, is listen to her, she has no reason to lie to you, there's nothing wrong with equality, it's only some human men that see that equality shouldn't exist between the sexes. I believe there are some men "sympathisers" but beware of wolves in sheep's clothing. Thank you for listening and I look forward to this evening's festivities."

The room claps, then the voice of one woman shouts out, she says, "you three are right, if your father was admirable and decent, I wouldn't have lost my husband in a war caused by men and their greed."

The whole room claps, even Lily, Azekiel and Samael stand up with the lady. They nod their heads in a agreement.

Then another shouts, "where's  your horns, pointy tail, hooves and pitchfork?"

He laughs and replies, "in my dressing room down below." The whole room laughs.

The special guests mingle with the members, one woman pinches Samaels bum, he looks at her and says, "if you want, we can sneak off and you can be the millionth woman on earth that's received my huge manhood?"

The woman, slides her hand down his pants, then feels that he's hard. The woman takes Samael from the room, she leads him to her bedroom, she kisses his muscular frame, takes off his shirt, she kisses the marks where his wings are, she opens his pants, puts his huge hard penis in her mouth. Samael grabs her by the head, she sucks until he comes all over face, still hard, he lifts her, he lies her on the bed, he enters her, he rides her until they come together.

She lies in his arms and then he says, "you must go now, there's a queue outside this door, I actually want to drink and be merry tonight, I have a lot of women to get through."

The woman dresses, she kisses him and makes her way out of the room, in comes the next woman, then the next. Soon Samael is finished sowing his seed with hundreds of women, he makes his way back to the huge room. All the women he bedded were smiling from ear to ear. He makes his way towards Rosa and Jaclyn, whose sat at a table looking into each other's eyes, trying to declare their feelings but they can't quite get there.

Samael pulls out a chair, he sits down between the ladies, he takes each of their hands and says "girls, just tell each other how you feel, you're in love with each other, it's plain to see."

Jaclyn blushes, she says "uncle Sami, stop you're embarrassing me, I'm sure you're embarrassing Rosa too."

He laughs, then says, "Rosa, you're absolutely beautiful, my beautiful little niece won't care about your scar."

Shocked Rosa was about to say "how did you..." then she says, "never mind, you're an angel, you know everything, my scar is partly why I think she won't love me?"

Samael responds by saying "the other part is you lying to her, causing a rift between her and her mother. Listen Rosa, she loves you, she has already seen it. I feel you have a good heart, you can make up for it, by being truthful going forth. You will make a wonderful couple, she just doesn't know how you received your scar, you must tell her."

Samael gets up and says, "I'll leave you both alone, then make the most of this magical evening, it's nice to finally meet you Rosa."

Jaclyn says, "thank you uncle Sami. What is he talking about, what happened to you?"

Rosa says, "before my mom made her money, we lived in a little town called Tala, I was at a party in San Isidro not far from home with some high school friends, a guy whom bothered me since the start of high school, to be my boyfriend, I refused him because I liked girls and he knew it. That night at the party he and several of his friends gang raped me. I got pregnant from that rape, it was an ectopic pregnancy, I had to have my womb removed, stopping me from bearing children. The scar you've seen, it's just the mental scars, I've always wanted children and now since meeting you, someone I could settle with, it brought back that longing for children."

Jaclyn begins to cry, then says, "uncle Sami can fix this for you, then you'll see how good a man he is? What do you think?"

Rosa says, "I'll think about it." Jaclyn replies, "then make a decision quickly, he's only here for seven days and he must return."

Rosa takes her hand and says "ok, I will sleep on it." Jaclyn smiles.

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