Las Mentiras de Una Bruja.

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Rosa settles into her new life with Jaclyn, it's been a rollercoaster of an experience. Rosa now is in the inner circle of the society, the women voted that she should get the role since being blessed by Samael. They believe that she is now the right regent for the women. Lily takes up a lot of Rosa's time, she's teaching her incantations, new languages, occult studies, magick and all the secrets of the universe.

It's been about six months since Samaels visit, Rosa and Jaclyn find a donor Jaclyn is having one of her eggs implanted in Rosa's womb, it'll be fertilised with the sperm of their donor, they must wait a few days, then the fertilised egg will be implanted if it's viable.

Rosa sees the date of the implant it'll be around the 10th or 18th of September. "This would make the date June 6th 2016 the day my baby will be born. It's strange that our baby will be born on this date, is this a nod to Samael for giving me back my womb? Is this baby an offering to the society?"

Instead of running to Blanca, she approaches Lily, she tells her of the date,

Lily laughs, she says, "Rosa, this baby is a miracle for you and my daughter, it's merely a coincidence, besides what's wrong with that date? In my opinion, it's just a number, it has no significance in relation to anyone least of all Samael, he will be laughing his head off listening to us discuss this. Look at it this way, if Samael wanted you to carry his seed, he would've demanded it the night you allowed him to give your womb back, the date is meaningless to he and our society."

Rosa is relaxed, what Lily told her made perfect sense. Lily calls her daughter, she tells her of the conversation she had with Rosa.

Jaclyn says, "thanks for the heads up mom, I need to get her away from old teachings and keep her mind occupied by getting pregnant and working on the society."

Lily agrees and tells her that she needs to stop believing the lies of her former life. It was those lies that drove our society underground in the 1980's.

In the 1980's after the murders of women and couples in New York, there was a satanic panic, our members were persecuted by their family members for being a so called member of a cult. The society isn't a cult, if it were, we wouldn't allow members to leave. There's never been a death in our society, that's because it's ran by women. We have men as guides but they're supernatural, they have helped in achieving our reach. Of course the leader is supernatural, but as every person knows we all need guidance from time to time.

Lilith was whitewashed out of history by men, it was women that kept her memory alive. The man that created her, wanted her to be subservient to a man that he also created. Lilith saw this as a challenge, to her made to measure husband, the creator and for future patriarchal society. Lilith's friend, guide and lover Samael told her thousands of years ago that his father had an ego far too big. Samael also told her that his father claimed he hated humans, in fact as Lilith has seen herself over the millennia's that Samael is not a threat to humans.

He created a hierarchy, so all the soulless sent to him were kept in check. Lilith confirmed over the years that he has kept control of them. Humans are the cause of their own problems. The society Lilith created was to show women that they can empower themselves. Men have started all the wars in the world, all down to greed. If Samaels father was so good, he would've stepped in, but he didn't, the religious folk of the world would have you believe that Samael was to blame. Samael is not to blame but the greed that men harbour is what causes the conflicts. The society has many sections, it has a charity section, it has a climate section, it has services for women that have been denied to them by men. It's a safe haven for women.

Rosa and Jaclyn move into Lilith's home, the time has come for Rosa to be impregnated with the fertilised embryo. Lilith has a driver drive the ladies to the clinic. Upon arrival, they're led to a room, the process starts, the gynaecologists tell them that Rosa must rest for a few days, then come back for some blood work. A week passes, they head back to the clinic, they take some blood samples, they confirm that the pregnancy is taking, the doctors feel it's happening faster than usual.

This concerns Rosa, she asks "does this happen often? Do you see these results so quickly often?"

The doctor replies "yes, if the mother is having more than one baby."

This excites the couple, then the doctor tells them to come back in three to four weeks for a scan. The ladies agree and they get ready to head home. Rosa tells Jaclyn that she needs the toilet can she give her a moment to wait in the car?

Jaclyn kisses her and says, "of course baby." Rosa pulls the doctor aside, she says "I didn't want my girlfriend to hear this but, what other than multiple embryos cause results to come in fast?"

The doctor asks "why didn't you want your girlfriend to hear?"

Rosa replies, "it's personal, I'm just concerned this is took quick."

The doctor says, "to be totally honest with you Rosa, I was surprised too. However don't stress, we'll find out in a few weeks." Rosa walks out of the clinic, she's sullen in her tone, when Jaclyn asks her if she's ok?

Rosa replies "I'm fine Jaclyn, I feel sick already, I'm also tired just take me home."

Jaclyn says, "of course baby, I'll make you some ginger tea when we get home."

Rosa is thinking the whole time about the lunar cycle, the dark of the moon, the first crescent and the full moon, after all Lilith is the triple goddess. These cycles match her. Jaclyn and Rosa arrive home and of course Lilith always knows, but she can tell that Rosa is in no mood to celebrate, so Jaclyn tells her mother that she's taking her to bed. This annoys Lilith a little bit but she remembers how she felt whilst pregnant, she was quite neurotic. Rosa goes straight to bed.

While in bed, Rosa calls Blanca, she goes to mention that she's pregnant but Blanca already knew, she tells her, "Rosa you're having three babies, they're not yours, they are the spawn of Samael and Jaclyn."

Rosa says, "what do you mean Samael?" Blanca replies, "when you picked the guy at the clinic it was a ruse. Samael planted his seed at the clinic."

Rosa tells her "I knew something was amiss, the blood cells were replicating too quickly."

Blanca says, "listen, they'll take those babies, you'll be powerless in stopping it, unless you move rapidly up the ranks and earn the trust of everyone. Also, I'll put another cloaking spell on you, otherwise they'll find out you've spoke to me." Rosa agrees and hangs up the phone.

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