The Jealous Bastard Escaped.

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Lily is down below, she approaches her ex lover and orders him to keep their children in check. He threatens to release them all. Samael overhears this, he throws his brother into a cell, he tells him, "brother, you shall remain here until you learn you're responsible for those children, your ex came without a fight, she put the children in their place or they will see the same cell as you."

Lily asks? "Sami is it necessary to put him in a cell?"

He replies, "the bastard has had it coming, those brats of yours will get the same if they continue to challenge me."

Lily agrees, she signs a decree that Azekial isn't allowed out for a few centuries and if the children are acting out again, they'll get the same for many centuries.

There was soon quiet, and the battle ceased and Sami says, "now, time for me to relax."

Lily puts her hand on his shoulder and says, "you deserve it my love, my lodestar. I love you as much as I love all down here except that bastard in that cell." Samael says, "right, now that stupidity is finished with, you must go home."

Lily takes her leave and returns home. Lily calls Zakina and tells her all that happened below, she exclaims, "you've locked dad up for centuries? Who's gonna walk me down the aisle now?"

"Uncle Sami says he'll walk you down the aisle, it'll be his honour." Lily answers.

Lily then says, "shouldn't you be more worried about your fiancée? Who's going to be walking her down the aisle?"

Zakina responds, "I think Gabi is doing it, she doesn't want a man, her dad is sick, he won't be coming, there's only a few of her family coming, they all still don't fully trust us, mom."

Lily says, "that'll change when they all see how happy we all are here."

Zakina says, "I hope so mom, Rosa can't be without her family, after all she's human, we have eternity with our relatives, she doesn't."

Lily says, "you're right, Zak. I really can't believe the change in you." Zakina smiles and walks away.

Gabi and Lily celebrate their engagement, they however don't want a huge gathering, they're planning on a meal with all the girls from Joslin to Jasmine. Gabi has hired a Michelin starred chef for the evening. There's boxes of the most expensive champagne being brought into the house. It's going to be a lushy evening. The girls choose to spend the evening in their Chanel onesies that Zak bought them from Florida, the other triplets turn up in casual wear too.

Gabi wears a blouse and pants, some new shoes that Lily brought her back from France. Lily wears a dress, which she usually wears. It's a casual dress, one she feels comfortable in. They gather in the dining room, at the head was Lily, by her side was Gabi, on the right was Zakina, then Rosa and their family, then Jaclyn, Joslin and Jannelle. None of which brought anyone with them, it was a purely familial night.

Gabi stands up and says, "ladies, we are here to celebrate the evening of Lily and i's engagement. We have had our ups and downs but this time we are ready for each other. It's taken us a long time to get here, but we got here, we finally seen that only she and i are meant to be. Lily thank you for being the love of my life. I love you and I look forward to the day you become my wife."

Lily is weeping, she replies, "thank you honey, I'm glad you're finally happy, I'm glad you're finally mine. I know it's taken us a long, long time for us to get here, but soulmates find their way back to each other's side eventually. To my girls, to Zakina, Rosa and my beautiful little girls, I am glad that we have one huge happy family. I love you all."

Rosa opens the champagne after they've eaten, she gives the girls a small glass to toast the couple.

Zakina says, "girls, this will be the last time you will have alcohol until you're 21, Rosa and the other adults agree. Everyone raises their glasses and toast to the couple, they all retire to the living room and talk about the future. Samael appears in the mirror above the fireplace, he congratulates Lily and Gabi, telling them I have gifts for you both, I'll bring them on my next visit as I need to see you again.
Lily knowing exactly why, says, "we'll deal with that prick soon." He nods and says he'll be here in a few days, he needs someone to fill in for him while he's gone.

Zakina knows what's happened, it seems her father has escaped custody, he wouldn't have done it without help. The cells down there are magically sealed. Although she's kinda happy, but she's worried he might be on his way here. Her father can't seem to allow Lily to be happy.

Zakina was right, he has escaped, Samael can't sense him anywhere, he's either cloaked by a sycophant or he is on the earthly realm. This spells danger for the whole family as Azekial is destructive and knows how to hurt Lily in ways a human wouldn't think is possible. The family should be worried, they should be afraid.

The house is cloaked from him, the only physical connection he has on earth is Zakina, so she takes drastic action, she puts herself into a deep sleep, so deep that you would think she had died. The family say the only ones to stop him, are Rosa's girls. Their magick is pure, they were born with it, his was given to him, the rest he soaked up from the soulless that were sent there by their father.

Is this the girls biggest moment? So Lily wakes Zakina up and tells her, she says no at first then says, "well this might be why they were born with so much power, in fact their power is stronger than his."

Zakina gets the girls ready for possibly the biggest moment of their lives?

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