A Perfect Family In The Making.

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The newly created little family head off for their first vacation, it's the first time that Zakina has been in an airport and about to board a plane, she's actually very nervous, Rosa gives her a light sedative and she relaxes a little. The girls are excited that they're all going to Disneyland, they've been around the world but Disneyland hasn't been a place that Rosa ever wanted to visit.

The plane journey isn't long, the SUV that Zakina rented is ready and waiting, they drive the 15 minutes from the airport to the house they're staying in. Lily is calling all the time to make sure Zakina and everyone landed safely and they're all well? Zakina tells Rosa that's her way of checking Zakina doesn't run away, Lily can't understand how much Zakina has truly changed being with Rosa, Rosa and the girls are her first thoughts in the morning and the last thoughts at night.

Zakina's insidious nature was truly melting away. They all arrive at the house, the girls beg to pick a room. Zakina tells them, "girls, we're on vacation, pick the best rooms, keeping the largest for your mother and I."

Zakina notices the pool and that it doesn't have a safety barrier, she says some magical words and the girls won't be able to get in without permission from her.

Rosa, walks behind her, she kisses her on the cheek and said, "Zak, that's pure compassion babe, you're becoming more human by the day."

Zakina turns around, "Rosa, those girls fill my heart with joy I've never felt, you make me want to be a better person. It actually makes me feel guilty for slaying three of my siblings, something that I never felt in the darkness. I only wish my mother would see it."

Rosa replies, "Zak, she does she told me herself." Zakina smiles and says, "we should feed the girls and rest, we have a busy few weeks ahead."

The girls, Zak and Rosa sit down to a meal cooked by the staff employed in the house, the girls ask for permission to swim in the pool after eating?

Zakina says, "once your food is settled, then you can swim."

Rosa is sat across from her smiling, seeing how the family is forming, this pleases her. The girls ask Zakina to tell them stories about what it's like where she was born? Zakina sits them on the huge furry rug, she gathers them around her and regales them of stories, some good and some of the battles fought, although leaving out the part where she killed her siblings until Jaclyn says, "but you killed three of your siblings, I understand why you did it, they were tormenting you, all because you missed your mom." Zakina says, "I did, I have now come to recognise this as a huge mistake. I shouldn't have done it."

Rosa smiles then says to the girls that's enough now. The girls ask Zakina to take the barrier spell off the pool? Zakina removed it and tells the girls to make sure they have some protective gear on in the pool. This is another show of compassion from Zakina. The girls are playing in the pool, jumping off the diving board until the pool lights come on. Then Zak and Rosa wait at the poolside with towels. They dry the girls off and tell them it's bath time to get ready for bed as they're going to Disneyland tomorrow, the yells of delight from the girls is a satisfying sound. They put the girls in bed, then they look at each other and say time for some adult time.

Zak and Rosa are exhausted from the flight, the driving and entertaining the girls. Rosa ask Zak does she want a glass of wine?

Zak says, "yes my love, a huge glass of white wine for me, then get your sexy bum on the couch, we're going to watch a movie and have an early night."

They drink their glasses of wine, talk a little then head to bed. Both of them exhausted, they shower and sink into the gigantic bed and lie in each other's arms.

Zakina out of the blue says, "I've never said this out loud before, I know you've felt it but thank you for showing me the light and I'll love you forever for that, given who I am, forever is a very long time."

Rosa smiles, "Zak, I noticed the light in you, the moment we passed on those stairs in the compound. I'm not immortal but I'll love you forever too. The way you treat the girls, is amazing, they love you like I do."

Zakina smiles and says, "goodnight beautiful, we have one long day tomorrow, let's fall asleep early. Then we wake up fresh tomorrow." They women kiss and snuggle into each other.

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