I Love You, Mom.

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Lily calls the villa and speaks with Rosa, she tells her, last night I watched the videos from the property, as you know every property that belongs to us has cameras, the way Zakina has changed is extraordinary.

Lily says, "thank you, Rosa. Zakina is nearly 2000 years old, she's been at the head of every battle that's brewed between the soulless and the residents. Zakina was a trained warrior, she had no compassion, no empathy, no love just pure unadulterated hatred. Yet, one look at you and falling into family life, there's a glow from her that i or her dad has never seen before. My little girl has finally matured into the woman I've always dreamed she would become. All because of you and the girls. If she's awake I'd like to say hello, if not I'll speak with her tonight?"

Rosa says, "wow, I didn't know her history as a warrior, but you didn't see the light I saw, it was always there, I feel that was all down to her father dimming it throughout the centuries?"

Zakina hears Rosa on the phone with her mom, she asks to speak to her? "Good morning, mother. Thank you for allowing this, I am having a wonderful day so far, I've woke up to my beautiful girls. I hope you have a good a day as we do? I love you."

Lily is shocked, she hasn't heard that from Zakina in 2000 years. Lily's eyes fill with tears, her love for Zakina was always there, but she never knew there was love there from Zakina. Lily wished them a wonderful day and she  hangs up the phone. Zakina asks the kitchen staff to make breakfast, then she opens each door of the girls bedrooms and they're still fast asleep, she calls Rosa, let's wake them, then eat breakfast and get ready for the day ahead.

The girls are stirring, the kitchen staff has prepared breakfast, the girls already picked out their clothes for this day the night before, they finally wake up Zakina tells them to go down and get breakfast. The girls wait until their mom and Zak come down, soon they're at the table eating with them. They all begin eating, the girls rushing their food in excitement for the day ahead. The girls finished, they go to their rooms, they wash and get dressed.

Zak and Rosa finish their breakfast, Zak says "baby, I have a present for you, it's in our room."

Rosa smiles as Zak leads her to their room. Once inside the room, Zakina tells her to go to the cabinet in the bathroom, there's a box inside. Rosa goes into the bathroom, she opens the cabinet, there's a little box, Rosa brings it out, she opens it, there's a ring inside. Zakina is stood physically shaking, she gets down on one knee and asks Rosa for her hand in marriage?

Rosa smiles, she is shocked, she stutters the answer "yes, I'll marry you."

The day that they have planned ahead is getting off to a great start. Rosa doesn't bother calling Lily she will already know. Lily calls Zakina and says, "i would like to congratulate you both, once you both get home, I'm throwing one hell of a party. Enjoy your day."

The girls all pile into the SUV, they head for the trip to Disneyland. The girls notice the ring on their moms finger and ask "so, when we're you going to tell us that you're getting married?"

Zak and Rosa look at each other and reply, "we were going to tell you at dinner this evening."

Once they reach Disneyland the girls are beyond excited. The couple let the girls run ahead, they hold hands, Rosa for the first time in a very long time feels truly at ease. They all make wonderful memories in Disneyland, they were exhausted from all the excitement and began to head home.

Upon arriving home, there's a Maserati sized vehicle in the drive, it's a five seater, the girls wanted ice cream, they dumped the SUV they hop into the super car. Rosa begging Zakina keep to the speed limit all the way there, Zakina promised she would and she did. When they arrived at the ice cream store, outside were a group of 'Bible Bashers' outside, ranting about 'Satan' the 'Demonic' and 'Only Jesus Can Save.' Zakina tells the girls to go inside, to order her a banana split. While the girls were inside Zakina couldn't help herself, she says to the man, "how wrong you are, your saviour Jesus was a sorcerer, you call my uncle Satan and my mother is Lilith."

The man tells her to seek help, she says, "I think you need to confess to your church about the money you've been stealing from your nights outside places like this. You also have to confess about how you tried to murder your wife."

The man is stunned, he says you're deluded.

Zakina replies, "little boy, I'm 2000 years old, oh and your friend Jesus won't let St Peter allow you past the pearly gates."

Zakina laughs and walks away, the man dumps his sandwich board in a bin and runs as fast as he can away. Zakina looks and laughs and makes her way into the store. They get their ice cream and head home. Once they get home and eat their ice cream, they bathe the girls, Zakina has organised a babysitter and they head out to celebrate their engagement. Zakina has arranged for an evening of fine dining. They are picked up by a limo, they're brought to the restaurant, they sit and talk into the evening about their future together.

Then Zakina tells her, once we get home, you're getting shown love making, that doesn't exist on this plain, Rosa is excited to see what she has in store. They finish up and excitedly head home. Zak keeps her promise and shows her things that only comes from a place that Rosa has never been to. Rosa can't believe this is finally happening to her. Rosa never had much luck in the love department and Zakina sure knows how to make her and the girls happy.

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