A Daring Confrontation.

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The girls are ready, soon there's evidence that Azekial has escaped to earth. Samael found his cohorts, he imprisoned them for life, he sends word that he's creeping near them.

Azekial has no balls according to Lily, he'll attack from afar, he won't confront me or us together, he'll attack alone and when we're alone but by proxy, he doesn't have the balls to face us head on. "Let him come." Shouts Lily.

Zakina finds this all uneasy, she's getting married soon, her mom is getting married too and now she must do battle with her father and his minions. It's a testing time for everyone mainly Zakina, she hasn't fought outside below before, this will show who's side she's really on.

Zakina and Rosa head to Mexico to buy wedding dresses, Zakina sees someone that she badly scarred in battle before, she saw the man, he's been following them since they left the US. Rosa was in the dressing room trying on her dress, Zakina, entices the man up an alley and cuts him deeper than the last time. Zakina hasn't had her other worldly weapons for a while she took the mans, sliced his face and plunged his sword into his heart.

Seeing she's covered in blood, she heads into the bathroom of the nearest cafe and cleans herself off. By the time she is done, Rosa had no idea she had left, but she told her straight away what had happened. Upon leaving the shop, Rosa asked to be taken to the body, the man was that badly hurt and killed, it almost looked like a cartel hit. Rosa thanks her fiancée and they call Lily and tell her. Zakina is ordered to hide the body, no humans must find it.

Zakina warns Rosa, "there's gonna be more of those bastards. All I ask is you're not alone, going anywhere."

Zakina sees her fathers minions coming a mile off. They try and make themselves invisible, but she taught them everything they know, her fathers warriors are not as strong as her and he'll happily sacrifice them to gain an upper hand or a distraction of some kind. Although her father isn't that intelligent, he acts first as thinks after.

Zakina picks off his entire legion one by one, leaving unearthly beings all over, Lily cleaning up after her. The beings look human but they're anything but, some used to be, some born just pure evil. Finally he shows his face, threatening to burn down all that Lily has built.

Samael finally finds him, he's hidden himself away, but Samael can't show himself on earth at this precise moment, he has a battle brewing due to a legion being wiped out, he's quite sure that Azekial doesn't have the balls to approach Lily alone. There will be one final battle and it'll be spectacular, Azekial will be locked up forever, although it won't be Samael since it's Azekial that's coming after humans as well. Their father doesn't love humanity like the book says, but to keep the celestial world hidden, he'll step in.

It's been months since Zakina killed the last one, her wedding day approaching. Lily is running around getting everything prepared, Rosa finally gets to try on her dress, it fits perfectly. The girls fit into their bridesmaid dresses, Rosa's cousins all of Gabi's daughters get to wear theirs. The day arrives, Rosa is in the west wing of the house getting ready, Zakina in the east, the guests are arriving. They're all seated in the huge outdoor area waiting on the brides.

Zakina texts Rosa to say, "good morning beautiful, see you at the altar. Although be warned my dad may make an appearance today, if he does, he'll hurt any human just to piss off Samael and my mom. Don't worry babe I'm ready for him, uncle Sami taught me everything I know, my dad maybe strong but I'm stronger and their father won't let him interfere when humans are around."

Rosa texts back, "im not worried babe, I love you see you soon."

The family is ready, they make their way down to the outdoor wedding area, to their surprise Lily and Gabi make it a double wedding, Zak is upset at first but Rosa calls her, telling her that it'll make today more special. Zakina reluctantly agrees, they head to the ceremony. Zakina and Rosa say their vows first, then it was Gabi and Lily's turn.

The ceremonies were beautiful. Zakina then whispers to her mom, "do you feel that?"

Lily says, "yes, it's your father, he's close by. He won't show his face while there's humans around, he'll show his face when they leave. So we'll continue today like it's normal."

Zakina agrees. The brides have their first dances, they cut the cakes, they have the speeches. Slowly the guests leave. Soon there was no guests.

Azekial is getting closer, soon he is stood in front of his daughter in tears, saying, "you should've had a dance with me, that's the custom up here, the father of the bride gets a dance?"

Zakina feels sorry for him, so she takes him to the dance floor and dances to a song that he picked. They dance and as he's about to spin her, he takes out his sword as if to strike her, but Zakina was ready for him. She has under her dress a dagger and slices the sword out of his hands. They fight that well that Zakina doesn't even spoil her dress, she has her father on the ground, with her stiletto heel in his throat pushing it and tearing his skin.

In swoops Samael, he yells "Brother, how could you? On your daughters wedding day, you realise she's changed, she's as human as Rosa now, she could still kill you though, but you're my brother Az, I won't let her kill you."

Zakina removes her foot, she gives her hand as if to pull him up, once he touches her hand, he feels the humanity in her.

He exclaims, "how is this possible? How is my daughter a human now?"

Samael says, "since your daughter forsook her birth nature, daddy dearest gave her a soul, even as a human she'll remain strong, now brother, you must return to home, I won't jail you, I just want your solemn promise now, in front of our father that you'll leave this family alone?"

Azekial gets on his knees he begs for his daughters forgiveness and looks towards

Lily, "no doubt you'll want forgiving too?"

Lily walks towards him, she says, "Azi, I once loved you, but you tried to kill our daughter on her wedding day, I'll never forgive that."

While he's kneeling before her, Lily has in her hand his sword, she strikes him on the face with it, swearing that this scar won't heal, all his battle scars usually heal instantly, this one doesn't. Samael grabs Azekial and as he was being dragged he grabbed onto Lily's leg, then he shouts "stop."

Samael stops, he says "what is it now?" "When i touched Lily's leg, I felt the same humanity from Lily, the exact same as Zak's."

Samael touches Lily, he says, "he's right Lily, my father must've gave you a soul too?"

Azekial sarcastically says, "you keep up saving humans Sami daddy dearest will give you one too."

Samael says, "haven't you learned anything, Azi? Dad hates me, he'll keep me in that God forsaken hellhole for eternity, you too and everyone that disagrees with him, the tyrant he is. You're wasting my time. Enjoy the rest of your evening ladies, I'm taking this bastard home, he needs to learn some lessons, especially his history, he seems to have forgotten it." With that Samael swoops off with Azekial.

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