A Fight Is Coming.

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The weeks had passed since the warning, no visitor from the church came, that's not to say they won't, they might wish to catch the compound off guard. They had nothing to hide, but this won't stop nosey officials. The women, got to work shredding the names and deleting all names of every member, they destroyed the first initiation ceremony rules and the new rules. They created a guidance instead, sending a memo to every member and the reason for the memo. The women have nothing to hide but everything to fear. If they can't lock them up and murder them for witchcraft, they will do all in their power to remove all that belongs to the society all their wealth, even though they've paid taxes on the wealth they have, they would seek loopholes to gain it. Truth be told Lily is the worlds richest woman, although the wealth wasn't gained from members fees as such but in the form of gifts from her brethren. The girls approach their parents during breakfast telling them they had a dream and not to fear they'll succeed. Lily tells them, "I don't doubt it. The church will know the truth of whom they follow, sure they follow a man named Jesus, but he indeed was just a sorcerer, they believe that he's the son of 'God' the true sons of 'God' lie rotting in cages. The man named Jesus was born to a human mother a vestal virgin, who was betrothed to a man as a child a child, yet it is they who are the purveyors of goodness. They didn't even try saving their 'saviour,' they allowed a man be nailed to a cross. They left their leader to die. Telling the world that it's what his father wanted. What father would allow that? For sin? A sin which each person is born with, so his death was pointless, he was a good man, a decent man, he was loved by many, the only ones that stood true to him, were the women. The men were cowards, even his closest ally betrayed him for 30 pieces of silver. So you see ladies they're hypocrites. Especially since the man they worship performed 'miracles,' that women done and were burned for them."

Rosa hadn't heard the Bible been explained in that way, it made more sense than the endless drivel spouted by men, who weren't there centuries after his death. So, how could they know the truth? Zakina then asks her mother, "then why did you want my boy christened into the church, if you don't believe in it?" Lily answers, "but I do, the man they worship was a sorcerer, the greatest the world had ever seen. He didn't even have to chant incantations, it was a mere laying on of hands. What today is called Reiki and it's practised openly, but the naysayers call it "holistic treatments," what a joke." The truth of the matter is, they fear women, they claim we're not as physically strong as men, but in truth we are stronger in so many more ways, this is what they fear."

It's baby Lucifer's first birthday, the priest that baptised him arrives, he's welcomed into the house. The priest says, I have a warning, the Bishop is to visit you, I don't know why, but I've heard three girls were possessed here after using a spirit board, is this true?" Lily says, "yes, it's true. What of it?" "The families of those girls say, that the triplets done some sort of exorcism expelling them. How can this be?" asks the priest." Lily replies, "the girls harness great gifts, gifts of greatness." "So, the girls are born witches?" asks the priest. Lily says, "what if they are? They pose no danger to the world, they're saviours of it. They were born to put men in their places, it is men that have destroyed this world, not women and you know this to be true. Your kind hunted and killed millions of women, women who would've changed this world for the better, but your brethren feared not just witches but all women. I have something to confess to you dear father, I am Lilith, Adams first wife, I used to be spiritual and held magick in the palms of my hands, but I'm now human." The priest looks at her, he's shaking from head to toe, he asks, "how did you escape hell? If you're truly her, tell me a historical fact that only she would know?" The priest asks, "in the year 629BC, what historical and religious thing happened?" Lily laughs saying, "nothing of religious significance happened because it was a pagan era, however on two years prior, the king of Assyria died, his name was Ashurbanipal. He was succeeded by Ashur-etil-ilani. What do you think happened on that date was religious, when you know it was before Christ?" The priest admits it was a trick question.

The priest asks to see baby Lucifer, Zakina brings him. Standing watch the whole time, the priest playing with his hair as if to look for "the mark of the beast." However knowing such mark would not be found, Zakina asks, "did you find what you were looking for?" The priest stutters, "oh Zakina, I wasn't looking for anything, I just think he has a beautiful head of hair." Zakina laughs, "father, you can't fool me. I'm 2000 years old, I know your Bible inside and out, I know you're here to lay the groundwork for the Bishop. So please leave us." The priest says, "you all misunderstand, I'm here to help you, I agree with the work you've been doing, I'm sick to death of man being pitted against man all in the name of greed." Lily asks, "priest, what do you believe about your Bible?" He replies, "not a lot of it, I used to believe it all, but lately my faith is in doubt." Lily says, "if we had time, I could give you first hand knowledge of the man you worship, he's not what you think he is, but he's not a bad person either or should I say, wasn't."

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