A Meeting of Minds and Lips.

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The day of the party had a arrived, Rosa senior was excited, her father Jesús wasn't, he didn't like the idea that his daughter was being "put on display", he only appeases his wife and reluctantly agreed to it. Rosa junior was in her room resting before a make up artist and hair stylist came. Rosa was given some invites for people from her university, she gave them when she first got them and all have said they're coming. Rosa is relieved there's going to be people there she knows. Finally her hair stylist and make up artist arrived.

While having her make up applied her mother came in, she was holding a jewellery box. The make up artist stands aside and her mother opens the box and puts $450,000 worth of diamonds around her neck, she opened a second section of the box and it contains a tiara, the tiara was worth over a million dollars. Rosa was in awe of them, she began blushing and shaking.

Her mother asks "what's wrong, don't you like them?".

"Of course I like them mama, I wasn't expecting this extravagance!" She answered.

"You are worth more to me than these stones, but I want you noticed" expressed her mother.

"I'm gonna be noticed from space mama" laughs Rosa.

"That's the plan mi hija"
chuckles her mother.

Rosa was in her lounge, people started to arrive, uniformed staff were ushering the arriving guests into the huge marquee in the gardens. The house has a huge ballroom, that's off limits until after the guests have eaten and the socialite speakers gave speeches. Rosa could only mingle with guests she knew, she wasn't to speak with anyone until after the speeches to when she is displayed to the ballroom.

The room where Rosa is sitting is a VIP section, the guests know her, she eats and talks with them, then the speeches are transported to a big screen in the lounge. Rosa's mother then declares the ballroom open. A female staff member requests that she follow her to the ballroom stage. On the stage there's a huge chair almost throne like, and several seats either side, Rosa was trying to guess who else will be seated either side of her. Nervously Rosa is sat on the chair, the doors to the ballroom open, two women and a man appear beside her on the left and her parents on the right. Suddenly she recognises one of the women.

It was Jaclyn, they both nodded and smiled at each other. Rosa's mother stands up and introduces her daughter and a welcome to the DuPont family. Rosa senior explains her family business will merge with a section of the DuPont family business. Rosa wasn't listening to her mothers speech, she was staring at Jaclyn both looking at each other in a manner of discontent. They both hated this "display". Soon the speeches were over and Rosa's mother suggested she go change into her after party dress.

Jaclyn asked could she go with? "Be my guest" replied Rosa, with that they headed towards Rosa's rooms.

Rosa and Jaclyn couldn't wait to get the heavy diamonds and dresses off. A female staff member came with security for the diamonds. Rosa was relieved as she didn't feel responsible enough for wearing them. Rosa and Jaclyn were chatting while changing

Rosa asked her, "I haven't seen you at university for a while or maybe we have missed each other?

"I have been travelling with my mom, we went to Europe for six months" replied Jaclyn.

"Sounds exciting" exclaimed Rosa.

"It was amazing, we have been working too" she replied. "Oh bummer" says Rosa

"It wasn't that type of work" replied Jaclyn. "Oh, I'm intrigued?, do tell?" Asks Rosa.

"I belong to a female only exclusive members club" she laughs.

"Oh, what's so funny though?". Asks Rosa. "It's supposed to be secret? Well it is secret, only exclusive women have membership, mainly rich women, of course not all. There are many without money, we help them out, she tells Rosa.

"May I ask the name or is that secret too?" Laughed Rosa.

"The name isn't secret, the members are, it's called The Society of Lilith" Answers Jaclyn.

"I know one member now, you" laughs Rosa.

"Shush, it's our secret" they both chuckled.

Jaclyn goes on to explain, that men all over the world have theirs, women are never included, so I started my own. It takes me all over the world and I meet wonderfully talented and beautiful women.

"I would like for you to become a member?" Asks Jaclyn.

Rosa asks "do I need to pay a fee?" Jaclyn laughs "oh no darling it's not that type of membership."

"Its a playground for women that either want to meet others for fun, share or merge businesses?, a meeting of minds" continues Jaclyn.

"So you think I'm beautiful enough to be a member?" Enquired Rosa.

"Of course you're beautiful Rosa, you caught my eye in university" replied Jaclyn.

"Since our families are merging business wise, it'll be good to have a connection" continues Jaclyn.

"Ok, I'll come onboard" says Rosa. With that the women headed back to the party.

In the ballroom the party was in full swing, the music was pretty good too. Upon entering both ladies had a round of applause, Jaclyn and Rosa looked at each other and mumbled "cringe"...

Rosa was dancing with Jaclyn and she whispered in her ear, "lets go outside".

Rosa and Jaclyn made their way outside, they took two glasses of champagne and went and sat on a chaise lounge, Rosa accidentally spilled some on Jaclyn's dress.

Rosa apologised and said "come to my room and I'll give you something to wear?"

They both walked to her room, and as Jaclyn was undressing she noticed a tattoo on her lower back. "What does your tattoo mean?" Enquired Rosa.

"It's the mark of the group, a part of the membership", Answers Jaclyn.

"Intriguing." laughs Rosa. Jaclyn is struggling to zip up the dress, Rosa goes to help. Jaclyn takes Rosa's face and kisses her.

Rosa pushes her away, not because it made her feel uneasy but because she would kiss her back in a heartbeat. Jaclyn laughs and says "I know you want more, but I'm afraid my dear you're gonna have to wait".

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