Lazarus' Bio

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Name: Lazarus Rose
Race: Daywalking Vampire
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5ft 8
Aura Color: blue



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Eye Color: Gold
Hair Color: diamond blue (almost white)
He has black and blue horns on his head and he has fangs.

Personality: Lazarus comes off as cold and emotionless, but like any person,he does feel; he just doesn't like to show it. He usually stays calm in all situations but does like to take matters into his own hands, especially when it comes to his teammates getting picked on. He has a bit of grudge against the Schnees and hates them and he hates it when people mistreats the Faunus, when his horns are touched and obnoxious people. Though he has a soft spot for people that are innocent.



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Iblis and Mephiles: Iblis and Mephiles are dual scythes with Gravity Dust in them, that allows Lazarus to call one back to him or fly towards one, basically just like Maria's Life and Death

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Iblis and Mephiles: Iblis and Mephiles are dual scythes with Gravity Dust in them, that allows Lazarus to call one back to him or fly towards one, basically just like Maria's Life and Death. The Scythe blades can fold up and the handle fills down do from the weapons twin blaster form, capable of firing normal and Gravity Dust bullets.

Semblance: Unknown.

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