Chapter 3: The Emerald Forest Part 2

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(3rd Person POV)


Just before she made the grand landing, Jaune came flying out of nowhere and literally knocked into Ruby in mid air, sending them both into a tree and leaving Lazarus, Cassandra, Blake and Yang confused...

Blade: Did your sister just fall from the sky...?

Lazarus: I think so...

Yang: I...

Cassandra: *confused grunts*...

Yang was interrupted by an Ursa crashing out of the forest before falling over and dying. Turns out, the ginger was riding it as she jumped off it and ninja guy was behind her, very exhausted.

Ginger: Aww... It's broken...

Ninja: Nora... Please, don't ever do that again...

He looked back up only to see Nora gone. Turns out she ran up to the temple and looked at rook chess piece with sparkles in her eyes... She excitedly grabbed it and began singing as her emblem appeared behind her with a pink background.

Nora: Ooooohhhhh... *singing* I'm Queen of the Castle! I'm Queen of the Castle!

Ninja: NORA!

Nora: Coming Ren!

Blake: Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa...?

Lazarus: Again, I think so...

Yang: I...

Cassandra: *more confused grunts*......

Just then, a high pitched scream of horror followed by a high pitched scream of delight was heard as two figures blitzed out of the forest... They turned out to be Olympia and Cassie, the former carrying the latter as they flew through the skies at high speeds, black feathers stuck in their hair before landing next to the gang. Cassie held her chest, trying to catch her breath all the while plucking the feathers out of her hair..

Olympia: Oh that was FUN!! I wanna do it again!!!

Cassie: Olympia... DON'T you EVER do that again!

Olympia: *pouts* You're no fun, Cassie!

Lazarus: Olympia? Cassie?

The two "Faunus" girls looked over to see Lazarus, making his way over to them.

Olympia: Lazarus!

Cassie: Oh Lazarus and...

Cassie realized Cassandra standing next to him.

Cassie: There you are Cassandra! You ended up with Lazarus and you haven't killed him yet? What softened you up?

Cassie slightly smirked at the red haired girl, causing her to glare at her and scowl before her eyes began to glow upon making eye contact with her.

Cassandra telepathically: Shut your fucking hole, Cassie! I tried to find you but then I ran in with this horned, edgy teen, Dracula-lookin' ass bastard next to me! As soon as this stupid thing is over, I'm killing this motherfucker.

Cassie: Sure, sure. Keep trying to be tough, Cassandra.

As Cassandra tried to pounce on Cassie, Blake and Yang all of a sudden, leaned in from the side of the scene.

Blake: Did they just fly here with a bunch of feathers in their hair...?

Yang: I...

Hearing the voice of Blake caused Cassie's eyes to widen before she turned to look at the girl with the black bow, in shock.

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