Chapter 8: The Strays

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(Cassie's POV)

Blake: What!? You're leaving!?

I stood on a rooftop in Menagerie, talking with Blake who seemed shocked to hear that I was leaving.

Me: Yes. These barbaric methods of the White Fang, it won't get us any positive results, Blake.

Blake: But it's got us somewhere. You're just willing to turn your back on your own people?

Me: That's not what I'm doing! I'm leaving to start a fresh life that doesn't involve murdering innocent Humans! I wanted to fight for equality, not dominance.

Blake: But Adam told us-

Me: It's what Adam ISN'T telling you! He doesn't want equality, he wants the Faunus to become the dominant race. And he'll do anything to get that, including murdering INNOCENT people.

Blake seemed offended and stepped closer to me with a scoff.

Blake: You don't know what you're talking about! Adam would never do such a thing!

Me: Well welcome to the real world Blake! I've seen with my own two eyes, that man murders countless of Humans. Adam's not this prince in shining armor, Blake... He's a manipulator, a liar and a psychopath.

Blake seemed to be getting more and more agitated, as I was as well.

Blake: Adam would never do things like that! Adam would never lie to us, to me!

Me: Well guess what, HE DID! YOU'RE just too busy falling for him to notice! If you keep blindly following him like you do now, you'll become changed for the worst and he'll reveal his true intentions to you! Why do you think Ghira stepped down and left!?

Blake's response to that was to go to slap me across my face, but I caught her hand. She narrowed her eyes and gritted her teeth, before attempting the same thing with her other hand, but I caught that as well. As we entered a struggle, I managed to trip her and pin her to the roof below us. She struggled to get me off her but I held her down, though anymore of this struggling, and she'd eventually end up on top.

Me: Blake... I'm sorry... I really am... But I can't do this anymore...

Blake: You know Cassie... Adam would be worried about you...

Me: *rolls eyes* Sure he would... *gets up* but I don't care... So long as he's willing to kill people to get his way, I won't EVER go back to him... And neither should you, Blake...

Blake got back up and looked at me, her face changing from angry to sad...

Me: Please Blake... If you don't believe me, that's fine... But if you want to know the truth, start asking questions and don't blindly follow what he says. Once you see and hear for yourself what his true intentions are, you'll know why I left...

Blake: Cassie... Please...

Me: I'm sorry Blake... But until you finally see reason, we have to part ways here... For how long, I don't know. That will all be depended on you...

There was a brief moment of silence between the two of us before Blake spoke up again.

Blake: Where will you go...?

I sighed...

Me: I honestly don't know. I could go to my Parents in Mistral, but their too stuck up that I don't think I can handle being in the same building as them for more than 30 seconds... So I'll probably travel around the world, maybe go somewhere cold, like Argus or Atlas...

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