Chapter 5: Let it Snow

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(Lazarus' POV)

All I saw was pure darkness around me... The last thing I remembered... was Weiss' face before complete darkness... I was all alone in this void, none of my sisters, teammates or friends were present... Weiss was nowhere to be seen... I sighed, thinking that I was all alone again, just like before...


My eyes widen upon hearing that voice... one that I never thought I'd hear after being taken into those mines... A bright blue light shined in front of me, forming into a familiar feminine figure with horns, like myself...

 A bright blue light shined in front of me, forming into a familiar feminine figure with horns, like myself

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Me: M-Mom...?

I could faintly see her smile at me before...

"Soon, you're abilities will be awakened..."

Me: A-Abilities...? What are you talking about? You mean my Semblance?

Just then, she began to disappear again.

Me: W-Wait! Mom!

. . .

"Long Live the King"

. . .

My eyes shot open just as I felt a bit of a sting in my head... I groaned in pain and looked around the area, only to realize I was in Beacon's infirmary.

Me: What happened...?

???: Thank goodness... You're not dead, boss.

I slightly jolted from the loud voice but calmed down immediately when I saw it was Cassie, who was standing in front of my bed.

Me: Cassie...? How long was I out for...?

Cassie: Ever since last night and all of this morning. Don't worry, I took notes for you.

Me: Hm... Did we stop Roman?

Cassie suddenly got nervous and began rubbing the back of her head.

Cassie: Uh... Yes and No... Yes because his robot is completely scrapped and no because he slipped out of our fingers at the last second.

Me: For some reason I'm not surprised...

Cassie shook her head with a smile before I began to sit up but was prevented by a weight on my right arm. I looked over to see... Weiss? She was asleep on my arm...

Cassie: The moment we got you back, we were all very worried about you, especially Ruby, Yang and Cassandra.

That last name, caught me slightly by surprise

Me: Cassandra...?

Cassie sighed.

Cassie: She couldn't sleep well without clinging on to you all the damn time...

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