Chapter 4: Sibling Rivalry

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(3rd Person POV)

Lazarus laid there on the snowy ground of his soul as his mother, Azealia, continued to repair his soul. He looked up into the sky, seeing less cracks in it and it was filled with snow clouds before he sighed.

Lazarus: Mom?

Azealia: Yes son?

Lazarus: How are you... still...

Azealia: Alive? Heh, well I guess I can't delay this story any longer.

Azealia continued on the repairs as she told her son the story on how she "survived".

Azealia: When that Minotaur Grimm attacked our home in Mantle, my first priority was to ensure your survival. After getting you out, I fended off the Minotaur for as long as I could but I knew, even if I was to kill it, I wouldn't survive. You remember how I died right?

Lazarus: *nods* How could I forget it? You were slammed against that concrete before it impaled you with its horns. And after that, you managed to behead the Minotaur with one of your scythes, killing it

Azealia: Yeah. At that point, I thought I was done for... But, I found myself... in a space of some sorts... I can't really describe it, but he was in there...

Lazarus: He...?

Azealia: The Alpha Guardian Beast, Godzilla.

Lazarus: Godzilla...? Alpha Guardian Beast...? Wait... do you mean that the Mysterious Fifth Guardian Beast that asserted dominance over all of them, was Godzilla??

Azealia: That's right. And his blood runs through mine veins... and yours.

That fully caught Lazarus' attention...

Lazarus: W... What...? So are you saying...?

Azealia: Yes my dear son. Your teammates aren't the only Hybrids at Beacon. You're one as well. You're their Alpha, their King. And the only reason I'm able to be with you in spirit now, is because of how powerful Godzilla's blood is. He, in simpler terms, connected our souls, allowing me to resign within your soul, guiding you.


(3rd Person POV)

In the Amity Colosseum, Weiss and Yang made their ways towards the center of the arena. Weiss looked up to the stands to see her teammates, Cassie, Cassandra and Olympia cheering her, but she downcasts, remembering that Lazarus wasn't there... but then she gained a look of determination.

Weiss' thoughts: I'll win for you, Laz.

Yang: Well, now it's our turn.

Weiss: Just remember to keep proper form.

Yang: Alright, you're from Atlas. What could we expect?

Weiss: Well, seeing as their Kingdom, Academy and Armed Forces are all merged as one, I think we can expect strict, militant fighters with advanced technology and carefully rehearsed strategies.

As soon as she said that, a rainbow flew past them. Neon Katt, a pigtailed Faunus with a cat tail and roller blades, Flynt Coal, wearing a fedora and shades, holding a trumpet arrived in the arena; their team was Team FNKI Weiss and Yang, for the lack of a better term, were shocked and confused.

 Neon Katt, a pigtailed Faunus with a cat tail and roller blades, Flynt Coal, wearing a fedora and shades, holding a trumpet arrived in the arena; their team was Team FNKI Weiss and Yang, for the lack of a better term, were shocked and confused

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