Prologue: Lazarus (Slightly Tweaked AGAIN!)

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"One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered."

~Michael J. Fox

(Age: 6)

(Play song)

(3rd Person POV)

The Dust Mines of the Schnee Dust Company located in the continent of Solitas is the worst nightmare for all Faunus; they look human, only with features of an animal such as ears, paws, tails and even wings on a rare occasion. One such being, is a young white haired horned boy... Well... to say he's a Faunus is farfetched... Not even he knows if he is one... But one thing is for sure... Those Fangs and pointed ears of his... he's no doubt a Vampire... More specifically, one of the Daywalking kind...

The scars he sustained in those mines, both physically and mentally... their just a reminder of how cruel the Humans could be to anyone that looked remotely different from them... After escaping from the living hell of the mines, the boy made a journey on foot across the continent, until he just couldn't go on any further... the thirst for the blood of another sentient being was way just too great... When he fell to his knees, the beasts of the Darkness surrounded him, snarling and stalking their new prey; The Grimm. Before they could snack on the defenseless Vampire, a man defended him... a dusty old crow wielding a massive interchangeable scythe...

After the battle was over, he turned to the boy, holstering his weapon along his rear waist

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After the battle was over, he turned to the boy, holstering his weapon along his rear waist.

Man: H-Hey, kid. Are you okay?

His voice, although rough was low and concerning. As the boy's eyes panned up, he saw the man's piercing red eyes staring into his own dull golden ones... Upon instinct, he leaped at the man, bearing his fangs.

Man: Woah! H-Hey!

He yelled, dodging the first leap from the boy, but it wasn't over as he continued to leap at the man, snarling and hissing at him.

Man: Kid what's wrong!? Why are you-

His eyes widened as he observed the boy further... more specifically his pointed ears and fangs... It was only then he noticed what was wrong...

Man's thoughts: He's... thirsty for blood... isn't he...? How long as he gone without drinking blood? Judging from his aggravation, I'd say god damn long... Damn... there's no choice then... Hopefully the alcohol is out of my system...

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