Olympia's Bio

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Name: Olympia Mosura
Race: appears Faunus
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5ft 4
Aura Color: Orange



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'Faunus' Trait: Large colorful Moth Wings on her back

Personality: Olympia is cheery, bubbly and a really innocent girl despite the darkness in her past. She acts shy and polite when meeting new people but she's like a child at heart. However, in missions, that persona completely disappears and is replaced by one of seriousness. Olympia is subconscious about herself, mainly of her massive colorful Moth-Wings and her very well proportionate figure as so if a guy tried something with her, she's too scared to retaliate since she hated confrontation.


Weapons: Goddess Stingers: These are two sabers with Lightning Dust Crystals imbedded into the weapons

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Goddess Stingers: These are two sabers with Lightning Dust Crystals imbedded into the weapons. Their handles can flip out and the swords can combine to form a double sided sword.

Semblance: MOTHRA'S SCALES: Olympia's Wings began to let off it's colorful scales, acting like a reflective barrier that deflects projectile attacks but at the same time

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Semblance: MOTHRA'S SCALES: Olympia's Wings began to let off it's colorful scales, acting like a reflective barrier that deflects projectile attacks but at the same time. The downside to this Semblance is it limits her ability to fly. If she loses too many scales, she won't be able to fly until her Aura regenerates them fully so she normally uses this Semblance as a last resort.

Hybrid Form:

Hybrid Form:

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