Prologue: Cassie and Cassandra

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"Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun; not living a nightmare in the darkness of the soul."

~Dave Pelzer

(Ages: 10 and 11)

(3rd Person POV)

(Play song)

"Do NOT let her get away! Bring her down!"

The voice of the General of the Kingdom of Atlas, James Ironwood boomed throughout the Tundra of Solitas as he and his Atlesian soldiers chased after the fleeing girl; she's relatively short, with red hair tied in a ponytail, amber eyes and she had two silver bladed tipped tentacles protruding out of the back of her head. After dodging some bullets, a rocket it the ground below her, causing her to go flying and land painfully on the snow below her... With a groan and a scowl, she turned around to see Ironwood walking up to her, his white pistol pointed to her head.

 With a groan and a scowl, she turned around to see Ironwood walking up to her, his white pistol pointed to her head

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Ironwood: It's best for you to surrender now and come back with us, Cassandra.

The girl, named Cassandra gritted her teeth tightly before her amber eyes began to glow.

Cassandra: So you'll torture me again!? Yeah, fuck right off! Sonic Scalpel!

She yelled as the tips of her tentacles fired off yellow beams of energy at the General, completely shattering his Aura within seconds and completely slicing off the right side of her chest, including his right arm. Blood splattered everywhere as Ironwood stumbled to the ground. Cassandra, seeing her opportunity of the Soldiers being distracted by the General, took off running again, but she didn't make it far as a collar contained with Lightning Dust latched onto her neck and began to electrocute her before she fell to the ground, unconscious.

???: Oh my. I must say you are undeniably strong, my dear Cassandra.

A blonde man wearing glasses said as he walked over to the unconscious  Cassandra and picked her up, bridal-style in his arms.

A blonde man wearing glasses said as he walked over to the unconscious  Cassandra and picked her up, bridal-style in his arms

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