(Volume 3 Finale) Chapter 8: The End of the Beginning (EDITED)

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(3rd Person POV)

Ruby had finally made it to the courtyard after stopping Roman and Neo, who were on the rough Atlesian Airship. When she got to the courtyard, Weiss was staring wide eyed at something... But she turned around to see Ruby approaching her.

Weiss: Ruby!

Ruby: Weiss!

Weiss: Where have you've been!?

Ruby: Don't worry I'm fine! What's going on?

Weiss just looked down and moved out of the way. When she did, Ruby's eyes widen in shock and horror as she saw Yang, unconscious, missing her right arm and Blake, desperately holding on to her left arm as she cried. Ren and Nora were downed behind them

Blake: I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry...

Ruby: ...Yang...

Sun: Hey... She's going to be okay. The soldiers have a ship ready to take you guys to Vale.

Nora: But Jaune, Pyrrha, Olympia, Cassie and Cassandra are still missing!

Ruby: What!?

Blake: Guys...

Everyone looked at the downed Cat Faunus...

Blake: Lazarus... H-He's here too...

Weiss: What!? Where!?

Blake looked down, saddened...

Blake: He... He bought us time to escape... But he wanted me to give you something, Weiss...

Blake took out the small box and handed it to Weiss... Her hands trembled as she opened it, only to have her heart shatter into multiple pieces... A silver necklace shaped like a snowflake... and it had blue sapphire gems within it...

 and it had blue sapphire gems within it

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Blake: He said... That he loves you too...

That one sentence triggered Weiss to start breaking down as she held the necklace to her chest tightly...

Weiss: Laz... Laz...

Ruby didn't even have time to react as everyone heard the sound of footsteps approaching them... When they turned around, they all saw... a lone Cassie... With her crimson eyes filled with dread...

Ruby: Cassie? What's-

Ruby cut herself off, as she noticed what Cassie was holding... The sole Goddess Stinger... from Olympia...

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