Chapter 5: Fall (Updated)

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(3rd Person POV)

Olympia: Why did Professor Ozpin call for us?

The hybrid girls, Cassie, Olympia and Cassandra were currently making their way towards the Headmaster's office, upon being summoned there by Ozpin, who said to hastily make their way to his office.

Cassie: I wish I could tell you the answer, dear Princess... The only info I was given was that it was somewhat urgent. But it doesn't make any sense... We didn't do anything... Right...?

Olympia: N-No! I... I don't think so...

Cassie: Cassandra... Did you go steal food from the Cafeteria again...?

Cassandra looked offended as her eyes began glowing.

Cassandra telepathically: What the fuck!? What do you take me for, fucking Swiper!? Because I know you ain't Swiper no Swiping, me!

Cassie deadpan and shook her head.

Cassie: You know what, never mind...

Cassandra telepathically: *crosses arms* Hmph! Damn right!

Cassie: Let's just get there and find out...

Just as they entered the lobby of the Beacon tower, the sight of a certain red haired Spartan making her way towards the elevator.

Olympia: Pyrrha!

The P in Team JNPR, turned around, surprised to see the three hybrid girls before greeting them with a warm and friendly smile.

Pyrrha: Hello there!

Olympia: So what are you doing here?

Pyrrha: Oh, Professor Ozpin called me up to see him.

Cassie: Oh really? Same for us.

Pyrrha: Oh wonderful! Shall we go up together?

Cassandra: *nods while grunting happily*

Cassie: That's a yes.


(3rd Person POV)

The doors of the elevator slid open with a ding as Pyrrha, Cassie, Olympia and Cassandra entered the headmaster's office, immediately being greeted by the Wizard of Oz himself.

Ozpin: Well, it comes as no surprise that they've chosen the both of you, Pyrrha and Cassie, to move onto the final round of the tournament. Your performances have been exemplary.

Pyrrha: Thank you Professor Ozpin, but I would never have made it this far without my teammates.

Cassie: Same with me, Professor.

???: Personally, I think it's the other way around for both of you.

The teens turned around, only to see Qrow leaning against a pillar.

Cassie: Wait... Aren't you Ruby's uncle?

Qrow: Yup. Name's Qrow. And I'm surprised to see the tin head didn't shoot you three yet. *points at Cassie, Cassandra and Olympia* Hmph, I guess he doesn't have the guts to pull the trigger.

Olympia: *nervously* U-Um...

Ozpin: Excuse him. Qrow is a trusted colleague of mine.

Pyrrha: Professor, if you don't mind me asking, why have you called us here?

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