Chapter 4: Tamed

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(3rd Person POV)

Under the city of Mantle, sat a dark and dreary laboratory, scientists walked around a cage, holding clip boards. In the cage, sat a lonely 9 year old girl, with short purple hair and crimson red eyes... but she had twin golden tails...

"When I met Cassandra, she treated me exactly how she does with you... You see, Cassandra and I were 'test subjects' for Atlesian Scientists... because of our DNA. I'm sure you've heard the fairy tale about the Guardian Beasts... Well, Cassandra and I have the blood of two of them, like Olympia. It was so lonely and cold inside of that damned laboratory... but that all changed when she arrived..."

The door to the laboratory opened up with the sound of aggressive growling and snarling. The girl, who was barely conscious saw the scientists drag in a restrained girl who looked about 8 years old, with red hair, orange eyes and she had two red tentacles on the back of her head with silver bladed tips... She aggressively attempted to bite at the scientist but failed as they forced her onto an operation table and strapped her arms and legs to it. A blonde man wearing glasses, walked over to the snarling girl with a smile before.

 A blonde man wearing glasses, walked over to the snarling girl with a smile before

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Man: Begin the experiments.

"When she arrived, the first thing I heard, was the blood curdling screams of agony and pin from her... The experiments they performed on her... were brutal... something no normal 8 year old girl could survive... But because of her Guardian Beast Blood, she was able to withstand it..."

The scene changed to the horrified expression of the young Cassie, as the shadow of the young Cassandra reflected off the wall, showing her body jolt upwards with blood curdling screams...

"Each time she came back from one of those damned experiments, she looked worse than before, especially after she tried to escape... Each attempt she made, earned her more brutal experiments... She lost more and more of herself... But every time, I tried to attempt to communicate with her."

The scene showed young Cassie and young Cassandra, sitting in their respective cages which were right next to each other. Young Cassie attempted to reach out to the broken girl, but was immediately met my an aggressive snarl and hiss before she attempted to bite off her hand.

"She didn't trust me... at all... No matter how much I tried to talk to her, she'd always end up attacking me. But it didn't stop me from trying to be friend her."

The scene changed to a 9 year old Cassie in an enclosed standoff with an 8 year old Cassandra, who was snarling but not as aggressively as before.

Cassie: Please... I don't want to hurt you... I want to be your friend...

Cassandra's eyes widen as she stared at the crimson eyed girl in shock and disbelief.

Beauty and The Beast (Vale Arc) (Vol 1-3)Where stories live. Discover now