Chapter 2: Team Battle

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(3rd Person POV)

Lazarus: Mom...?

Azealia: *smiles* Hello, my son.

Lazarus stared in shock, seeing his mother, Azealia kneeling in front of him...

Lazarus: B-But how...? Y-You died... right in front of me...!

Azealia: Well... I did... Kinda....

Lazarus: Kinda...?

Azealia: I'll explain in further detail soon, but right now, I need to help you put your soul back together.

Lazarus raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Lazarus: Do what now?

Azealia sighed sadly...

Azealia: When you encountered that Minotaur in downtown Vale, you were put under so much stress, that your soul completely shattered and you temporarily became a soulless monster... And because of that, you currently are in a... dormant state. You're alive and awake, but internally you're completely unconscious, though you can feel it when someone close to you is nearby, just like that Schnee Girl and your two "sisters". So right now, I'm in the process of repairing your soul. For now, you'll have to remain here.

Lazarus: I see...

Lazarus downcasts as he thought of all of his friends, especially his two sisters and... Weiss...

Lazarus: Weiss...

Azealia: You found yourself quite the girlfriend I'll say.

Lazarus: I've... never felt this way about anyone... ever... It'll take getting used to.

Azealia: Well, once you get used to it, trust me when I say, you'll love it, A LOT. Ah! Here we go.

Lazarus looked at her, confused.

Lazarus: What did you do?

Azealia: I got one segment of your soul. Let's brighten up this place up, huh?

Her hands glowed a bright blue before engulfing the entire void area in the bright light, causing Lazarus to shield his eyes. When the light died down, Lazarus opened his eyes, only to see that he was in a snowy field. But what was freaky, was that the sky above him had major cracks in it...

Lazarus: What the...

Azealia: There we go. *looks up* Those cracks show that your soul is still in shambles. But don't worry, I'll get ya all fixed up soon.

Her hands began to glow blue again as she began to work her magic...

Lazarus: Mom...?

She stopped and looked at her son, who looked at her with a smile.

Lazarus: I missed you.

She smiled brightly.

Azealia: I missed you too, my dear.


(3rd Person POV)


Cassie: Please Professor, let us fight in the tournament!

Cassie pleaded as she slammed her hand on the desk of Ozpin. Her, Olympia and Cassandra were all in Ozpin's office.

Ozpin: I hope you do understand that the Vytal Festival Tournament requires a team of four to participate.

Olympia: We do, but we can't just sit back and do nothing while our chief is hospital-ridden. We want to fight too, to honor him!

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