Chapter 4: The Hybrids

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(3rd Person POV)

Yang, Cassandra and Neptune had just arrived at the building where Yang's informant was; Yang took her bike known as Bumblebee with Neptune while Cassandra flew next to her with her tentacles creating light emitting membranes to serve as wings.

Yang: C'mon, my friend's right in here.

Neptune: Cool. And where is exactly here?

The three of them walked up to the entrance but as soon as they did, two guys in red and black suits that were standing there, immediately ran inside of the building, closing the doors behind them. When they got to the doors Yang used her Ember Celica to punch them open, revealing the building to be a nightclub that had a remix version of Red Like Roses Part 1 playing.

Yang: Guess who's back!

Immediately, multiple men in red and black suits pointed guns at her. The music began to scratch and Yang looked at the DJ annoyed. He immediately turned off the music. Cassandra and Neptune in a cartoony manor, leaned to the side from behind Yang.

Neptune: Yeah, so could you define "friend" for me...?

Suddenly, a man franticly comes out of the crowd, adjusting his tie.

???: Stop, stop! Nobody shoot. *Clears throat* Blondie, you're her... Why?

Yang: You still owe me a drink, Junior.

Yang grabbed Junior by the arm and pulled him towards the bar while Neptune and Cassandra stood there, the former absolutely blown away by Yang.

Neptune: Woah-ho-ho-ho...What a woman...

Cassandra silently growled at him before following Yang. He then noticed two girls next to him, one in a red dress and the other in a white dress.

Neptune: Sup.

Melanie and Miltia: Hmph, whatever.


(3rd Person POV)

With Olympia, she was flying across the city's night skies, before spotting what looked like a girl with hair that's half brown and half pink, walking into a warehouse that she saw Blake, Cassie and Sun were about to enter...

Olympia: That girl... Why does she give me a bad feeling...? I should perch somewhere hear and watch over Blake, Cassie and Sun.

In the meanwhile, Blake, Cassie and Sun had just arrived at the White Fang's rally location which was in a quite shady warehouse.

Blake: This is it.

Sun: You sure?

Blake and Cassie just glared at him.

Sun: Ya'know, I'm just going to take your words for it.

The trio kept making their way towards the warehouse, all of them holding Grimm Masks and Blake taking off her bow. Cassie looked at her twin tailed and sighed with a slight cringe.

Cassie: God this is going to be uncomfortable...

She took one of her tails and wrapped it in a circular motion before hiding it underneath her cloak, only revealing one of her tails.

Sun: I don't get it. I you believe what you're doing is right, why hide who you are?

Blake: The masks are a symbol. Humanity wanted to make monsters out of us, so we chose to don the faces of monsters.

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