Chapter 3: Secret Mission (Slightly tweeked)

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(Lazarus' POV)

We had our plan set, so now it was time to set it in motion. Right now, both mine and Ruby's teams were back in Professor Port's class. I looked at the rest of my teammates, who were... all pretty much asleep; heck even Cassie was dozing off... Usually she just read a book but I guess even she was that bored that she fell asleep. I then noticed Jaune, who sat next to Weiss tried flirting and hitting on her. I sighed...

Jaune: So Weiss. You know uh, I was thinking that after this, maybe we could go grab a bite to eat.

Weiss: ...

Jaune: And uh, you know well, I-I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis Movie if you want to make a trip to Vale, I hear it's awesome.

Weiss: ...

Jaune: And... then maybe after that we could study together? I mean, you're smart and I'm a, you know...

Finally, the bell rang and everyone began to leave the class. I shook my  teammates awake, who all groaned in response.

Olympia: Please chief... let me sleep...

Me: Class is over and we have a mission to do.

Cassie who managed to stir awake got up and helped Cassandra up. Olympia still wasn't budging so I sighed and picked her up, bridal style.

Jaune: Weiss? Did you hear me?

Weiss: No, no, no, yes.

Weiss walked past him with the rest of us following.

Yang: Maybe next time.


(3rd Person POV)

After dumping buckets of cold water on Olympia and Cassandra's heads to wake them up, Team LCOC got ready for the mission and made our way over to Team RWBY's room. Lazarus knocked on their door, only for Ruby to be the one to answer, wearing a new outfit that had one extra color in it, silver.

Ruby: Ah! You guys are just in time!

Lazarus: Good to hear. So, the other girls still getting ready or...?

Ruby: We're all done here! Come in!

She opened the door, revealing the rest of Team RWBY in their "Special-Ops" outfits.



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