(Volume 1 Finale) Chapter 9: Black, White and Gold

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(3rd Person POV)

Cassie: I already don't like you...

Blake: You're the guy from the boat...

The blonde haired, monkey tailed Faunus, hopped down from the light pole and walked towards the two girls with a bit of a smirk

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The blonde haired, monkey tailed Faunus, hopped down from the light pole and walked towards the two girls with a bit of a smirk.

Money: Name's Sun and yes I am, kit cat.

He winked at Blake, causing her to groan but Cassie just glared at him.

Cassie: Back off, Monkey.

Sun raised her hands up in a defensive matter.

Sun: Relax! I'm kidding.

Cassie: Right...

Blake: Let's go somewhere else to rest up for the night, shall we?

Cassie: I know a place. Come on. I'm paying by the way.

Sun: Wow. Rich girl.

Cassie: Shut up or accept the offer.

"I'M SORRY..."

(3rd Person POV)

Blake, Cassie and Sun ended up in a rather nice looking hotel that Cassie ended up paying for. She paid for two rooms, one for Sun and one for both her and Blake.

Sun: Night Girls!

Blake and Cassie: Night Sun!

Blake and Cassie entered their room, only to be surprised of its rather grand, penthouse-like feel.

Blake: Wow...

Cassie: Wow indeed... Welp, since there's only one bed, you can have it. I'll take the couch.

Cassie began to remove her hooded cloak but Blake called out to her.

Blake: You don't have to. The bed's big enough for two people. *blushes* W-We'll just share it... Besides, we used to back then...

Cassie blushed remembering all the fun and cute times she had with Blake in her past before shaking her head and sighing.

Cassie: Fine...

Blake removed her bow, freeing her cat ears and removed her boots while Cassie removed her boots. After which, they both sat on the bed, away from each other in an awkward silence... Before Blake broke it...

Blake: Why...?

Cassie: Hmm?

Blake: Why did you follow me?

Cassie: Two reasons. 1. Knowing you, you're gonna do something reckless. I made that promise to Ghira all those years ago that I'd take care of you, and I'm still holding onto it.

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